
For several years, antisemitism, worldwide, has been skyrocketing to levels not seen in decades. In the United States, the story is sadly much the same, except for one difference: CUFI. For the first time in history, an army of millions of committed Christian Zionists has banded together as Christians United for Israel to strongly oppose antisemitism and stand with the Jewish people.


Nearly 60 tombstones discovered vandalized in Jewish cemetery in Slovakia

(December 17, 2019 / JNS) Fifty-nine tombstones at a Jewish cemetery in the northern Slovakian town of Namestovo were vandalized, said police and a group that sought to protect the location on Tuesday.

Slovakia’s Jewish community labeled it “an unprecedented barbaric act.”

Police are investigating the incident at the cemetery, which dates to the…


US State Department offers $1M grant for projects fighting anti-Semitism

The US State Department is offering a $1 million grant to combat anti-Semitism in Europe.

The department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) is partnering with the Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism “to counter the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe as manifested through hate crimes such as acts of physical…


Beverly Hills Persian synagogue vandalized over Shabbat

The Beverly Hills Police Dept. (BHPD) is “actively investigating” a series of incidents of vandalism in the city of Beverly Hills over Shabbat, according to a police statement.

According to BHPD, police responded to a call from Nessah Synagogue, one of the largest Iranian Jewish synagogues in Los Angeles, shortly after 7 a.m., after an employee…


New Jersey attackers linked to anti-Semitic fringe movement

The deadly shooting rampage at a New Jersey kosher market has cast a spotlight on a fringe movement known for its anti-Semitic strain of street preaching and its role in a viral-video confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial this year.

Investigators believe that the man and woman who killed three people at the Jersey City grocery Tuesday in addition…


Trump targets anti-Semitism, boycotts against Israel on college campuses

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday that would cut federal funding to colleges and universities that don’t curb anti-Semitism against Jewish students.

Trump’s new order is set to hit the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement head-on. It invoked Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to fight anti-Semitic rhetoric on…


Trump to sign executive order addressing anti-Semitism in US education, particularly on campus

(December 11, 2019 / JNS) U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Wednesday addressing anti-Semitism amid the rise in hatred towards Jews in education in the United States, announced the White House in a call with reporters on Tuesday evening.

The measure is particularly focused on activities on American college…


Congress Must Finally Act Against Anti-Semitism

Two years ago, we were at a point where most believed America had reached a peak in anti-Semitism and hostilities toward Jews. Students were regularly being harassed and even attacked at state universities and small private colleges alike. Being identified as Jewish or even pro-Israel became fraught with risk. Some were sad. Others disgusted. But…


White House envoy: Trump commitment to combating anti-Semitism unprecedented

US President Donald Trump has made an unprecedented commitment to fighting Jew-hatred, White House Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism, Elan Carr, said.

“President Trump has made a priority unlike any previous administration,” Carr told the audience of the Israeli-American Council (IAC) National Summit on Monday.

“When the…


Honduran president: I will not capitulate to anti-Israel threats

(December 9, 2019 / Israel Hayom) HOLLYWOOD — Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was one of the most senior political figures to attend the annual Israeli-American Council (IAC) summit in Florida over the weekend.

Hernández seemed to enjoy every moment of the three-day confab, proving once again that his country is an ally of the Jewish…


100 Years of Ford and the Jews – From Antisemitism to Zionism

In 1919, Henry Ford bought a small local newspaper operating at a loss.

In the coming years, The Dearborn Independent would liberally cite and elaborate upon “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, blaming the international Jewish conspiracy for war, poverty, Bolshevism and even “Jewish Jazz-Moron Music”. The International Jew: The World’s…


France to open hate crimes bureau after Jewish cemetery desecrated

(December 5, 2019 / JNS) French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner announced on Wednesday that following the mass desecration of graves at a Jewish cemetery in Strasbourg, the country has decided to open a national bureau to counter hate crimes.

One hundred and seven graves in the cemetery were marked with swastikas and other anti-Semitic…


A new Christian antisemitism

‘Let them go to the Land and to Jerusalem, build the Temple, raise up the priesthood, principality and Moses with his Law so that they again become Jews and possess the Land. If that happened, they should soon see us on their heels and also become Jews.” – Martin Luther (from Heiko Oberman’s Wurzeln des Antisemitismus. Christenangst und Judenplage…


Jewish cemetery in France vandalized, over 100 graves desecrated

French authorities on Wednesday confirmed that a Jewish cemetery in Westhoffen, west of Strasbourg, has been vandalized in an anti-Semitic attack.

According to local media reports, authorities said they had discovered 107 tombs spray-painted with swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans in a Jewish graveyard near the German border.

Reports of the…


French parliament to vote on Israel hatred as a form of anti-Semitism

(December 2, 2019 / JNS) France’s parliament on Tuesday will vote on a draft resolution that says hatred of Israel is a form of anti-Semitism.

The draft resolution that will be put before the National Assembly in Paris was proposed by Sylvain Maillard, chair of the assembly’s Antisemitism Study Group.

The resolution also calls on the government…


Italy uncovers plot to create new Nazi party

Italian police said on Thursday they uncovered a plot to form a new Nazi party and seized a cache of weapons during searches across the country.

Police in 16 towns and cities from the Mediterranean island of Sicily to the Alps in northern Italy took part in the investigation, which was launched two years ago.

The probe revealed a “huge and…


Australia sees 30% spike in anti-Semitic incidents in 2019

A new report on anti-Semitism in Australia revealed a 30% spike in serious incidents involving direct verbal abuse, harassment, and intimidation of Jewish residents.

There were 368 recorded anti-Semitic incidents in Australia during the year ending with Sept. 30, 2019, according to the annual “Report on Antisemitism in Australia,” published by…


British police arrest man harassing Jewish kids on London train

(November 26, 2019 / JNS) A man was arrested by British police over the weekend after two Jewish children were verbally harassed on London’s Underground.

He was videotaped on Friday reading anti-Jewish Bible passages to two young boys wearing Jewish kipahs while they were traveling with their family on the train. The following day, a suspect,…


Jewish man hit on Brooklyn sidewalk in unprovoked attack

(November 22, 2019 / JNS) Surveillance camera footage from Thursday night shows a man hitting an Orthodox Jew on a sidewalk in Brooklyn, N.Y., CBS New York reported.

The attack took place shortly before midnight on the corner of Sanford Street near Willoughby Avenue in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant.

Footage shows a stranger…