
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.

U.S. B-52 Bomber Flies Over Persian Gulf, In Show Of Force Against Iran


Al-Udeid Air Base, QATAR—The Pentagon sent a B-52 bomber across the Persian Gulf region on Tuesday, the sixth such sortie since last fall, in a show of deterrence to Iran.

The B-52H Stratofortress, a long range heavy bomber, flew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on Tuesday and was expected to make a continuous flight…


Iran Executes Second Wrestler 5 Months After Killing Wrestler Afkari


The Iranian regime’s lethal assaults on decorated Iranian athletes continued unabated, with the execution of a second champion wrestler on Monday.

The Jerusalem Post reported two weeks ago that the execution of wrestler Mehdi Ali Hosseini was imminent. He is from Andimeshk in the province of Khuzestan, and was arrested in 2015 and…


The Case Against The Iran Deal


Proponents of the Iran nuclear agreement are sounding the alarm. In 2018, the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and since then, Iran has increased the quality and quantity of its uranium enrichment well beyond what the deal allows. Recently, it has even begun enriching uranium to 20 percent, a short…


US Charges Political Scientist For Acting As Unregistered Agent Of Iranian Government


A political scientist has been charged with acting and conspiring to act as an unregistered agent of the Iranian government.

A criminal complaint charging Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi, also known as Lotfolah Kaveh Afrasiabi, was unsealed on Tuesday. He was arrested a day earlier, on Monday, at his home in Watertown, Mass.

“For over…


US, UK Officials Urge EU And Olympics To Stop Execution Of Iran Wrestler


Mounting pressure from British and American officials along with Iranianhuman rights groups on the International Olympic Committee and United World Wrestling has on Tuesday sparked a reaction from the powerful sports organizations after days of silence about the pending execution of a second decorated Iranian wrestler.



Major European Powers Rebuke Iran Over Uranium Metal Plans

Three European powers on Saturday warned Iran against starting work on uranium metal-based fuel for a research reactor, saying it contravened the 2015 nuclear deal and had serious military implications.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, and Tehran said on Wednesday that Iran had started the work, the latest breach of its…


Iran To Execute 2nd Wrestler, Sparking Outrage From US State Department

A top U.S. State Department official came out swinging Sunday against the Islamic Republic of Iran’s plan to execute another wrestler, after Tehran’s rulers publicly hanged the champion wrestler Navid Afkari in September on widely criticized, trumped-up charges.
“The Iranian regime must be held to account for their vile human rights…


Iran Loses UN Voting Rights Over Unpaid Dues, Blames US Sanctions


Iran and six other countries lost their right to vote in the UN General Assembly, because they have not paid their dues, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday.

Iran blamed US sanctions for blocking the Islamic Republic from paying its required contribution to the UN.

Guterres wrote a letter to General Assembly…


Reports Say Iran Has Expanded Drone Base In Yemen


Iran has sent drones to Yemen, enabling the creation of a base for so-called “suicide drones” or what are known as loitering munitions, according to Newsweek. The report claims that “Shahed-136” drones are now based in Al-Jawf. These are supposedly “advanced UAVs.” 

The report is unclear regarding most of the details, only noting…

Iran Tests Ballistic Missiles, Drones In Military Exercise, State TV Says


Iran‘s Revolutionary Guards fired “abundant” surface-to-surface ballistic missiles and tested locally manufactured new drones in a military exercise on Friday, state television reported.

The drill, which it said was overseen by Guards commander Major General Hossein Salamiin the central desert region, came in the waning days of…

Report: IDF Drawing Up Plans To Strike Iran’s Nuclear Program


The Israel Defense Forces is drawing up plans for an attack on Iran’s nuclear program, the Israel Hayom daily reported Thursday in a front-page article.

The newspaper said that IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi has asked for three alternate proposals to derail Tehran’s program, without elaborating on them. It only indicated one of…

Iran Is Assembling Gear Able To Produce Key Nuclear-Weapons Material


Iran has taken a significant new step toward possible atomic-weapons production, starting work on an assembly line to manufacture a key material used at the core of nuclear warheads, the United Nations atomic agency said in a confidential report Wednesday, raising the stakes in Tehran’s standoff with Washington ahead of…

EU ‘Concerned’ Over Iran Increased Uranium Enrichment


EU member states are united in their concern over Iran’s announcement that it will begin enriching uranium up to 20%, they said in a statement released Tuesday.

“We deeply regret the worrying steps taken by Iran over the last two years,” the EU said. “The initiation of uranium enrichment to up to 20% by Iran at the underground…

Iran Is Al Qaeda’s New Home Base, Pompeo Says


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed Tuesday that al Qaeda’s number-two leader was killed last year in Iran, which Pompeo said has become the terror group’s primary base of operations in recent years.

“Al Qaeda has a new home base: the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Pompeo said during a small gathering at the National Press Club…

Mike Pompeo To Accuse Iran Of Maintaining Ties With Al-Qaeda: Report

Declassified intelligence expected to show Iran aided al Qaeda and provided safe haven for its leaders

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo plans to accuse Iran of maintaining ties to al-Qaeda on Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, according to a Reuters report.
Pompeo intends to reveal declassified intelligence in…

Return To Iran Deal ‘Could Spark Middle East Nuclear Arms Race’


The new US administration should not return to the spirit of the Iran deal, which could spark an arms race in the Middle East, former secretary of state and national security advisor Henry Kissinger warned during an online conference on Monday.

Kissinger criticized the 2015 Iran deal, which President Donald Trump left in 2018, and…

Iran’s Regime To Execute Another Champion Wrestler


The Iranian state’s opaque judiciary is slated to execute a second champion wrestler after it engaged in the widely criticized wrongful hanging of Greco-Roman wrestler Navid Afkari in September for his role in protesting regime corruption.

Mehdi Ali Hosseini, 29, from the city of Andimeshk in the province of Khuzestan, was…

Iran Threatens To Start Enriching Uranium To 90 Percent: Report

‘If enrichment above 20 percent is required in some areas, the AEOI can do that,’ spokesman cited as saying

Iran warned Thursday that the country could ramp up its uranium enrichment to 90 percent — just around the weapons-grade level.
China’s Xinhua news service cited the spokesman of the country’s nuclear agency as saying that…