
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.

Iran And Russia Begin Joint Naval Drill In Indian Ocean


The Iranian and Russian militaries have kicked off a joint naval drill in the Indian Ocean aimed at boosting security of maritime trade in the region, Iran’s state TV reported on Tuesday.

The TV said units from Iran’s Navy and the powerful Revolutionary Guard’s navy will take part in the exercise dubbed “Iran-Russia Maritime…

Iranian Jews Speak Out Against Iran’s Government


Several Persian Jews in the United States spoke out against the Iranian government in a February 10 video.

A newly formed group called Iranian Americans for Liberty produced the video; the group aims to bring human rights and freedom to Iran. The video begins with a man named Simon in Beverly Hills stating, “I am a proud Persian…

Hezbollah-Like Groups Surged When Iran Deal Lifted Sanctions, Study Finds


The number of militia proxies for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corpsjumped after the 2015 nuclear deal, and they pose the greatest threat to stability in the Middle East, according to research by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

The former UK prime minister called the IRGC-backed paramilitary groups “directly part…

Iranian Textbooks Full Of Antisemitic, Anti-American Content – ADL


Iranian state textbooks were found to be full of antisemitic and anti-American content in a new report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) released on Thursday.

In the first report of its kind in the past five years, ADL examined Iranian textbooks, with a focus on documenting antisemitism, incitement to violence and the promotion…

Iran Starts Producing Uranium Metal, Further Violating Nuclear Deal – IAEA

UN nuclear watchdog highlights yet another breach of the limits as set out in 2015’s JCPOA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog announced Wednesday that Iran had started producing uranium metal, in clear violation of 2015 nuclear deal.
“The Vienna-based organization said in a…

IDF: Iran Can Enrich Enough Uranium For A Bomb Within Four Months


Iran could develop a nuclear bomb within two years and Hezbollah will not seek an all-out war, according to the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate’s annual threat-assessment report, which was made public on Tuesday.

The report, which focuses on the security challenges Israel can expect to face over the next 12 months, estimates…

Iran: ‘Death to Israel’ Chants Shouted From Motorcades On Anniversary Of Islamic Revolution

Rouhani says only way forward for ‘the world and for the region’ is through restoring 2015 nuclear deal

Chants like “Death to Israel!” and “Death to America!” rolled over motorcades across Iran on Wednesday as the country celebrated the 42nd anniversary of its Islamic Revolution of 1979.
Israeli and American flags were burned at…

Iran General Threatens Arab States Normalizing Ties With Israel ‘Will Burn’ – Report

Israel ‘pollutes every country with which it comes into contact,’ Hossein Salami declares

Moderate Arab states normalizing their ties with Israel will face the dire consequences of their actions, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps chief Maj, Gen. Hossein Salami declared on Monday.
In a speech at a ceremony, Salami declared,…

US Will Not Lift Iran Sanctions Until It Stops Enriching Uranium – Biden


US President Joe Biden announced Sunday morning that the US will not lift any of the sanctions placed on Iran unless it stops enriching uranium. Biden made the comments during an interview CBS News’ “Face the Nation”.

Biden explained that for any progress to be made, Iran must first stop its uranium enrichment. In recent weeks,…

UN Atomic Watchdog Finds Radioactive Material In Iran – Report

Fresh new evidence of ‘undeclared nuclear activities’ raises concerns as tensions rise

UN inspectors uncovered new evidence of “undeclared nuclear activities in Iran,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday morning.
Samples taken by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) staff members from two nuclear sites have…

Iran Envoy Sentenced To 20-Year Prison Term Over Bomb Plot At French Rally


An Iranian diplomat accused of planning to bomb a meeting of an exiled opposition group was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday in the first trial of an Iranian official for suspected terrorism in Europe since Iran’s 1979 revolution.
Assadolah Assadi was found guilty of attempted terrorism after a foiled plot to bomb a rally…


Iran Deepens Breach Of Nuclear Deal At Underground Enrichment Site


Iran has deepened a key breach of its 2015 nuclear deal, enriching uranium with a larger number of advanced centrifuge machines in an underground plant as it faces off with the new US administration on salvaging the accord.

Tehran has recently accelerated its breaches of the deal, raising pressure on US President Joe Biden as both…

Iranian Terror Attack Against Israeli Embassy In African State Foiled: Report

Tehran continues to seek retribution for killing of Maj. Gen. Soleimani, intelligence sources say

An Iranian terror attack targeting an Israeli embassy in one of Africa’s eastern countries was thwarted in January, Israel’s public broadcaster Kan reported on Monday.
Citing western intelligence sources who are knowledgeable on the…

Iran Launches New Rocket, Showing Advances In Potential Missile Technology


Iran tested a new rocket on Monday with improved technology that could be used in its missile program, its latest attempt to raise the stakes for the Biden administration ahead of potential negotiations over a new nuclear deal.

The new rocket, named Zuljanah, was developed under a government-backed program to send civilian…


Israeli Defense Minister: Israel Will Take Military Action Against Nuclear Iran If Needed


Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Israel is still keeping open the possibility of taking action against Tehran’s nuclear project if necessary.

“Israel has a clear objective: that Iran not be nuclear. It is not just an Israeli interest. It is first and foremost a global and regional interest,” Gantz said in an interview with…

Iran’s Regime Executes Champion Boxer After Torture, Third In 4 Months


Iran continued its execution spree of elite athletes with the killing of champion boxer and prominent sports coach Ali Mutairi last Thursday.

The UN condemned the execution of Mutairi in Sheiban Prison, located in Khuzestan Province. Mutairi, 30, endured severe torture, which led to his false confession that he had killed two…

Iranian-American Facing Spying Charges Arrested As He Tried To Leave Iran

An Iranian-American facing spying charges in Iran has been arrested as he tried to leave the country, judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said on Tuesday.
The dual national is among a handful of Iranian-Americans reported to be held by Iran, which has been accused by rights activists of arresting dual nationals to try to win…

Iranian General: We Will Level Tel Aviv If Israel Makes ‘Slightest Mistake’


Iranian army spokesperson Brig. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi on Wednesday dismissed remarks made a day earlier by Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi as “psychological warfare” and warned that the “slightest mistake” by Israel would lead the Islamic Republic to “level Haifa and Tel Aviv.”

Kochavi on Tuesday said…