Christian Persecution

In the Middle East, the Christian population has fallen dramatically in the last century due to extreme and violent persecution. However, in Israel, Christians are free to worship and practice their faith freely, and the Christian population is steadily growing. As Christians, we are obligated to support our persecuted brothers and sisters. For that reason, as we pray for the worldwide persecuted church, we likewise support Israel which is the only safe place in the Middle East for Christians.

Christian Persecution

Iran: Mounting Persecution of Christians

The persecution of Christians in Iran in 2018 increased to a new level, according to an in-depth report jointly released by Open Doors, Middle East Concern, Article 18, and Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

“The end of 2018 saw an unprecedented wave of raids on private house gatherings, leading to a large number of arrests. Many Christians…

Christian Persecution

The truth about Christian persecution

Christian Persecution

Iran arrests more than 100 Christians in growing crackdown on minority

Iran has arrested more than 100 Christians in the last week, charities report, amid a growing crackdown by the Islamic Republic.

Many of the 114 detained were converts to Christianity from a Muslim background, accused of “proselytising”.

They had to report the history of their Christian activities and were told to cut contact with any…

Christian Persecution

Pence promise fulfilled: US changes rules on the UN to help Christian and minority victims of ‘genocide’ in Iraq

Help appears finally to be on the way to thousands of desperate Christian, Yazidi and other minority refugees in northern Iraq, more than two months after Vice President Mike Pence promised last October 25 to  “stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations” and “provide support directly to persecuted communities through USAID.”

Christian Persecution

Israel’s Neighbors Among Most Dangerous Countries for Christians, New Report Says

Most of Israel’s neighbors, including Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinian territories, are among the most dangerous places in the world for Christians, a new report by the Christian charity group Open Doors has found.

According to the report, Egyptian Christians suffer in “various ways” such as pressure on Christian converts to return to…

Christian Persecution

Raise Your Voice this Christmas for Persecuted Christians

Each month 322 Christians are killed for their faith, 214 Churches and Christian properties are destroyed, 772 forms of violence are committed against Christians (beatings, rape, arrests and forced marriage). In 2016 a Christian was killed every 6 minutes because of their faith.
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Christian Persecution

Rubio calls to help displaced Christians in the Middle East

Persecution of Christians in the Middle East is on the rise, and the United States must not be complacent, Florida Sen. Mark Rubio said Monday.

“We must move on with a sense of urgency,” the Republican senator said. Rubio, who serves as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Human Rights Subcommittee and as Helsinki Commission…

Christian Persecution Issues

Supporting Israel: Being Salt and Light in the World

Hovsep Chaparian’s parents are originally from the Middle East and several of his extended family members still live in Syria and Lebanon.  Many of his family members hate Israel.  But Hovsep’s parents raised him with a love for Israel because of their Christian faith.

This love began with Hovsep’s great-grandfather, a prominent Lebanese…

Christian Persecution

Fearing more terror attacks, Egypt churches suspend activities

CAIRO, Egypt — Egypt’s Coptic and Evangelical churches have suspended some of their activities for security reasons after a spate of jihadist attacks, church officials said on Thursday.

Conferences and church-organized trips will be suspended for three weeks after security services warned of more attempted attacks, said the Reverend Andrea…

Christian Persecution

After Witnessing ISIS’s Genocide And Slavery, ‘Jewish Schindler’ Sprang Into Action

At a high-end car and motorcycle dealership in Montreal, a Canadian-Jewish businessman has made it his mission to save Christian and Yazidi girls from ISIS. What began as just another business venture for Steve Maman, a car dealer specializing in luxury automobiles, would turn into saving the lives of thousands of people.

Born in Morocco and…

Christian Persecution Issues

Dr. Michael Youssef on Decline of Christianity in West, Rise of Jihad

Christian Persecution Issues

Dr. Michael Youssef on Egypt and Israel Battling Terror

Christian Persecution Issues

The Rise of Christian Persecution in the Middle East

Christian Persecution Issues

God is Not Neutral on Israel

Christian Persecution Issues

Pray for Father Thomas Uzhannalil kidnapped in Yemen

Not stand by while the Christians of the Middle East are being attacked.
Pray the protection of Psalm 91 over my brothers and sisters facing dangerous circumstances around the world.
In early March this year, militants attacked a Catholic retirement home in Yemen and murdered 16 people working there. In that attack, Father Thomas Uzhannil was…

Christian Persecution

Horror as ISIS kills 250 Christian children by KNEADING them to death in bread machine

“Whoever denies me before men, I will also deny them before heaven” – Last words of George Assaf before he was murdered by ISIS for the crime of being a Christian.

According to one ISIS survivor in Syria, Christian children were kneaded to death in bread machines, the rotating machines breaking their bones and crushing their young bodies for no…

Christian Persecution Issues

Pray for Asia Bibi waiting for final appeal of her death sentence in Pakistan

Not stand by while the Christians of the Middle East are being attacked.
Pray the protection of Psalm 91 over my brothers and sisters facing dangerous circumstances around the world.
For six years, Asia Bibi has languished in a prison cell after being accused of violating Pakistan’s Islamic anti-blasphemy laws. The Christian mother of five…

Christian Persecution Issues

Pray for Syrian Christian Refugees Fleeing Terrorists and Civil War

Not stand by while the Christians of the Middle East are being attacked.
Pray the protection of Psalm 91 over my brothers and sisters facing dangerous circumstances around the world.
The ancient Christian communities of Syria, established in the first century AD, have been decimated by the Syrian Civil War ongoing since 2011 and the rise of the…