CUFI In The News

Successes in Washington, CUFI’s statements on breaking Israel-related news, and bold leadership in initiatives aimed at making Israel more secure and her people safer, have led established outlets to take notice of CUFI’s efforts and cover what we say and what we do.

With hundreds of mentions in the media, and the vast majority being positive or neutral, CUFI has solidified our place in the pro-Israel community’s tapestry and in the foreign policy arena.

These are selected articles and opinion pieces authored by or featuring CUFI.

Mike Pence and Trent Franks Lead Thousands of Christians at CUFI’s Pro-Israel Event

While the Jewish community in some quarters has lately been divided on Israel issues, some 5,000 evangelical Christians will gather in Washington, DC July 17-18 as a granite-like block of support to defend the Jewish State. They will be attending the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) policy conference held each year. Boasting more than 3 million...


At CUFI summit, soldier says Jewish state wants peace, but ‘we must remain strong’.
For almost 70 years, the State of Israel has seen its enemies attempt numerous wars and many different methods of attack. But for all that they try, they will never have the advantage, Pastor John Hagee said.

“Israel’s enemies may continue to adapt but they will...

Pence reiterates pledge to move US Embassy to Jerusalem

Vice President Mike Pence arrives at the Manuel Artime Theater in Miami, Florida on June 16, 2017.

Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence on Monday evening forcefully reiterated the Trump administration's promise to eventually move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
"I promise you that the day will come when President Donald...

Pence pledges to move US embassy to Jerusalem

Pence says Trump remains committed to Israel's security and and to securing a peace deal with Palestinians

US Vice President Mike Pence pledged on Monday to keep President Donald Trump's promise to relocate the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Times of Israel reported.

Addressing a crowd of American Christian supporters of...


Israel's ambassador to the US blamed 'fake news' for reports that Israeli defense leaders were concerned act would undermine PA security forces.

"The purveyors of fake news don't quit," Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the US, said on Monday night at the Christians United for Israel summit in Washington.

The Israeli envoy hit hard against...

American Embassy Will Be Moved to Jerusalem, Vice President Pence Says

Vice President Mike Pence assures persecuted Christians, 'We're with you. We stand with you.'
Vice President Mike Pence has stated that President Donald Trump will eventually move the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a symbolic gesture meant to convey that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

Speaking at the Christians United For...

Netanyahu: Evangelical Christians are Israel’s best friends

In address to CUFI, PM makes no mention of Trump but takes a dig at White House decision to leave US embassy in Tel Aviv
WASHINGTON – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a Christian evangelical audience in Washington on Monday that they were Israel’s best friends in the world, in an address notable for the pointed absence of any reference to US...

Pence: ‘Day Will Come’ When Trump Delivers on Promise to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Vice President Mike Pence promised that “the day will come when President Donald Trump moves the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” in a speech he made to Christians United for Israel Monday evening.

“To the men and women of Christians United for Israel, this president hears you. This president stands with you,” Pence said. “And I...

Pence: Trump will move embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

July 17, 2017 9:21 PM EDT - Vice President Pence spoke at a Christians United for Israel event on July 17. (The Washington Post)

What Happens When Jews And Christians Throw An Israel Celebration Party

As a Jew, it was an incredibly uplifting experience to be in a convention hall brimming with positive spiritual energy and support.
The Bible is filled with stories of miracles. But if there’s one major takeaway from the 2017 Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Summit, it’s that miracles still happen in our time, and it’s our job to notice and...

Nevada Governor Signs Anti-BDS Law

The BDS movement discriminates against businesses that associate with Israel or for being of Israeli heritage.
Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval signed legislation on Friday making Nevada the 20th US state to have passed a law against the anti-Israel boycott movement.
Christians United for Israel, which has more than 3 million members, wrote: “CUFI...

Why Trump’s Promise to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem is so Controversial

President Donald Trump signed a waiver Thursday to delay the relocation of the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Like presidents before him, Trump expressed his support for Israel during his presidential campaign and said the embassy should be moved to “the eternal capital for the Jewish people, Jerusalem.”
But Trump still signed...

Trump Risks Ire of Millions of Pro-Israel Voters by Keeping Embassy in Tel Aviv

Pastor John Hagee: 'Trump's promise was of critical importance to millions of Christian Zionists' who voted for him. 'They will be watching closely'
WASHINGTON — US President Donald Trump will be risking the ire of millions of his pro-Israel supporters — among them Orthodox Jews and Evangelical Christians — as well as that of Republican mega-donor...

Holocaust Survivor Speaks in Montgomery: Don’t Let History Repeat Itself


A man who survived one of the darkest periods in history was in Montgomery Tuesday evening with a powerful message at the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church.

The survivor spoke on the importance of standing with Israel and the Jewish community, the same community that stood with King just a few decades...

Pence to Speak at Christian Pro-Israel Group’s Annual Summit

(JTA) - Vice President Mike Pence will address the annual summit of Christians United for Israel, the largest pro-Israel group in the country.

Pence will speak at CUFI’s conference in Washington, D.C., which is taking place on July 17-18, the group announced Tuesday.

Pastor John Hagee, who founded CUFI in 2006, praised the Trump administration...

Local Pastors Visit Israel, See Sacred Sites

Christian leader of pro-Israel movement speaking locally this weekend
Four local pastors have been to Israel, seeing the sacred sites from The Bible. The trip has given them a deeper context for their sermons, and also made them passionate advocates for preserving the Jewish homeland.

“It really brought things to life,” said Russ Peters, pastor...

Christian Zionists Urge Trump to Keep his Promise on Moving Embassy to Jerusalem

By Sean Savage/

Ahead of President Donald Trump’s Israel visit, top Christian Zionist organizations and leaders are calling on the president to fulfill his election campaign promise to relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, despite reports that Trump is unlikely to make the move in the near future.

Pastor John Hagee,...

Trump’s Truman Moment


In 1948, when President Truman recognized the newly independent state of Israel, he did so in the face of fierce opposition from his advisers. Secretary of State George C. Marshall — whom the president regarded as “the greatest living American” — adamantly opposed the decision.

Despite the controversy, it is now a source of a...