CUFI In The News

Successes in Washington, CUFI’s statements on breaking Israel-related news, and bold leadership in initiatives aimed at making Israel more secure and her people safer, have led established outlets to take notice of CUFI’s efforts and cover what we say and what we do.

With hundreds of mentions in the media, and the vast majority being positive or neutral, CUFI has solidified our place in the pro-Israel community’s tapestry and in the foreign policy arena.

These are selected articles and opinion pieces authored by or featuring CUFI.

Christian Zionist conference celebrates Trump era in US-Israel relations

The Christians United for Israel organization’s Washington policy conference focused Tuesday on lobbying for a bill that would restrict Israel boycotts, among other legislative actions.

The speaking roster for the two-day conference, attended by 5,000 activists, included a video address by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and live speeches by...

CUFI head to i24NEWS: ‘Trump earned political immortality with Jerusalem decree’

John Hagee, the US pastor who founded Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the largest pro-Israel grassroots organization in America, says that President Donald Trump has stepped into political immortality with his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US embassy to the holy city.

Hagee and some 5,000 other...

Haley pressures Arab states to step up on Palestinian aid: ‘We are not fools’

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley on Tuesday challenged Arab countries who spout anti-Israel rhetoric to step up to the plate with financial support for Palestinians -- warning that while the U.S. is generous, "we are not fools."

At a meeting of the U.N. Security Council, Haley noted there is “no end” to speeches from Arab states...

CUFI summit wraps up, with harsh rhetoric on Iran, Hamas and the PA, and huge support for Israel

In addition to showcasing a major pro-Israel constituency, Christians United for Israel’s 13th annual summit, which took place from July 23-24, emphasized the contrast between the current White House administration and previous ones, with Israel’s ambassador to the United States hailing U.S. President Donald Trump as the best ally Israel has ever...

Pastor John Hagee: Why Evangelicals Stand with Israel — The Principles of Christian Zionism

Evangelicals believe the Bible to be the Holy Spirit-inspired, inerrant, Word of God. The Word and will of God are synonymous, and thus Israel is the only nation created by a sovereign act of God.
In Genesis 13, God told Abraham, “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are … for all the land which you see I will give to you and your...

CUFI Names Dollinger Co-Executive Director

Longtime Atlantan Shari Dollinger was named co-executive director of Christians United for Israel on April 16.

She is sharing the leadership of the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization with Diana Hagee, the wife of CUFI founder and Chairman John Hagee.

Hagee had served as the chief of staff to her husband, while Dollinger had been the...

Exclusive: Hagee Says Trump, Like Truman, Earned ‘Political Immortality’ by Moving Embassy to Jerusalem

“I told him that the moment that you do that, I believe that you will step into political immortality. Because you are having the courage to do what other presidents did not have the courage do to.”

He added that he believed the transfer of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem Monday would cement the bond between the U.S. and Israel.

“For decades...

Jewish, Pro-Israel Groups Welcome Confirmation of Pompeo as New US Secretary of State

A number of Jewish and pro-Israel groups expressed well-wishes to Mike Pompeo on Thursday after his appointment to serve as the next US secretary of state was confirmed by the Senate with a 57-42 vote.

American Jewish Committee (AJC) CEO David Harris wrote in a letter to Pompeo, “As longtime admirers and supporters of the State Department’s...

Christians United for Israel announces new leaders

Christians United For Israel, one of the nation’s largest pro-Israel organizations, announced new leadership team on Monday as the group seeks to build on its success in strengthening Christian support for Israel in the last decade.

According to the organization, Diana Hagee and Shari Dollinger will take on the roles of co-executive directors....

Christians United For Israel Tops 4 Million Members

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) announced this week that the group had topped 4 million members, making it one of the largest pro-Israel organizations worldwide.

“We could never have predicted that when 400 Christian leaders met in 2006 to establish CUFI, we would reach 4 million members in just over 12 years, yet here we are. CUFI is more...

PRAGER: Why Christians Support Israel

In speeches to fellow Jews around America, I often point out that many American Jews are experiencing cognitive dissonance. The institution Jews most admire — the university — turns out to be the most significant source of Israel hatred in America and the rest of the West. At the same time, the people many Jews most distrust — Christians...

Trump Underscores Unequivocal Support for Israel by Moving Embassy

Early this month, I celebrated as President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the future location of our U.S. Embassy. His declaration was bold and clear, and it crystallized America's unequivocal support for Israel - our greatest ally in the Middle East. In making his declaration, the president Trump was reflecting not...

What Life Was Like For Christians And Jews When Arabs Ruled Jerusalem

Following President Donald Trump's declaration that the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Saeb Erekat quickly shot back and demanded "equal rights for everyone living in historic Palestine."

Protests over Trump's move have sparked riots in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and even violent...

The Campaign Promise Trump Chose to Keep

December 6, 2017

There is now a billboard on the streets of Jerusalem reading: "God Bless Trump, From JerUSAlem to Washington DC."

That sign took on great significance on Wednesday because -- as he promised he would -- President Donald Trump has taken the bold step of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, beginning the process of...

House Passed Bill That Aims to End Palestinian Payments to Martyr Families

December 5, 2017

A bill that would pressure the Palestinian Authority to stop financially rewarding acts of terror against Israelis and Americans easily passed the House of Representatives Tuesday.

The Taylor Force Act would restrict U.S. aid until the Palestinians end their multi-million dollar program to monetarily reward terrorism. The...

BDS opponent receives Jewish support for top civil rights post, as pro-Palestinian groups protest

November 30, 2017
Leaders of major American Jewish organizations are rallying around Kenneth L. Marcus, the nominee for assistant secretary of education for civil rights, as pro-Palestinian groups denounce him for opposing the BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanction) movement.
Marcus, an attorney, served in the Department of Education’s civil...

Holocaust Survivor Speaks at UF About Time in Auschwitz

November 30, 2017
Irving Roth said he didn’t understand why he was at Auschwitz.
“Why was I there? What crime did I commit?” the Holocaust survivor said as the audience sat in silence.
About 500 students came out to hear Roth speak at the Reitz Union Auditorium on Wednesday night. About 350 students were able to watch Roth speak in the auditorium,...

House Judiciary Committee Hearing On Campus Anti-Semitism Includes Fireworks And Possible Deception

A panel of Jewish community leaders, academics and activists testified Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee on rising anti-Semitism on college campuses. Lawmakers also heard varying perspectives on the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” currently under consideration by the committee.

Anti-Semitism on college campuses has drastically increased...