CUFI In The News

Successes in Washington, CUFI’s statements on breaking Israel-related news, and bold leadership in initiatives aimed at making Israel more secure and her people safer, have led established outlets to take notice of CUFI’s efforts and cover what we say and what we do.

With hundreds of mentions in the media, and the vast majority being positive or neutral, CUFI has solidified our place in the pro-Israel community’s tapestry and in the foreign policy arena.

These are selected articles and opinion pieces authored by or featuring CUFI.

OPINION: It’s Time To Stop Ignoring Martin Luther King’s Support Of Israel

Since his assassination on April 4, 1968, people have attempted to invoke the name and authority of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for many causes of justice, and often they fall short.

The latest such misrepresentation, made by New York Times columnist Michelle Alexander, contends that King would have probably championed the Palestinian cause if he...

How should Jewish leaders confront challenge of BDS groups within their communities?

The recent decision by the Boston Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) to pass a resolution declaring that any member organization supporting the BDS movement could be expelled from the council has generated a wider discussion among Jewish leaders as to where to draw red lines when it comes to Israel.

The resolution—adopted overwhelmingly by...

Senate passes bipartisan pro-Israel, anti-BDS bill

(February 5, 2019 / JNS) The U.S. Senate passed bipartisan legislation on Tuesday that, if enacted, would impose fresh sanctions on Syria, boost security cooperation with Israel and Jordan, and allow state and local governments the right to punish state or local contractors from engaging in boycotting Israel.

It also includes an amendment that...

CUFI: United We Must Stand

As a 20th-century political issue in the United States, Zionism was almost exclusively within the purview of the Jewish community. Stirred by their faith to stand with Israel were millions of Christian Zionists, but for decades they were unorganized, unfocused and unable to speak with one voice. In this century, the pro-Israel tent has finally and...

CUFI: United We Must Stand

As a 20th-century political issue in the United States, Zionism was almost exclusively within the purview of the Jewish community. Stirred by their faith to stand with Israel were millions of Christian Zionists, but for decades they were unorganized, unfocused and unable to speak with one voice. In this century, the pro-Israel tent has finally and...

2020 Election: Democrats can’t afford to ignore their Israel problem

Like it or not, the 2020 presidential election is already starting to heat up. Progressive Democrats are visiting early primary and caucus states, while a few old guard Democrats have been testing the waters since Hillary Clinton conceded to Donald Trump in 2016.

But while more and more Democrats hope to make President Trump a one-term White...

The ACLU Is Fighting to Kill Texas’ Pro-Israel Policy

The American Civil Liberties Union (UCLU) of Texas is suing to overturn a state law requiring contractors to certify that they do not boycott Israel.

In 2017, Gov. Greg Abbott took a stand against a growing move by some states to target Israel.

The law was the 20th measure taken by an individual state to counter the Boycott, Divestment, and...

Pro-Israel Groups Launch Campaign Against Rand Paul Over Bid to Block Military Aid

WASHINGTON – Pro-Israel groups have in recent days invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertisements against Republican Senator Rand Paul over his attempts to block bipartisan security aid to Israel

Read More: Haaretz

Largest pro-Israel group membership swells to 5 million thanks to Evangelicals

Pastor John Hagee says he believes that the peace process was accelerated by the decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States just got even bigger.

Christians United for Israel, led by Pastor John Hagee, now boasts 5 million members strong.

“CUFI's growth is a direct...

United for Israel; How John Hagee and an Orthodox Rabbi Forged a Decades-Long Friendship

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel enjoys a lot of support in the United States. The largest group, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), has grown to more than 4 million members. And it all began with a simple friendship that got its start nearly 40 years ago.

Each year, CUFI brings its members to Washington, DC. Pastor John Hagee formed the...

Ravens DT Wears Cleats Honoring Israel Collective During Game Against Buccaneers

December 17, 2018 SAN ANTONIO - On Sunday, starting Baltimore Ravens Defensive Tackle Michael Pierce wore cleats honoring Israel as part of the NFL's My Cause, My Cleats program, during his team's matchup against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Pierce, who traveled to Israel in March with the IC, an initiative of Christians United for Israel (CUFI),...

5-Million-Strong Christian Group Rebukes Rand Paul for Blocking Pro-Israel Bills

A pro-Israel Christian non-profit has galvanized its 5 million members to pressure Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to drop his hold on two Israel bills. Perplexingly, Paul blocked a bill to fund Israel's military and another bill to permit state and local governments to penalize entities that promote boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against...

CUFI’s Hagee on Rand Paul, Trump’s Peace Plan

JI INTERVIEW — Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christian United for Israel, discussed his group’s efforts to pressure Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) to remove a holdon the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 in an interview with Jewish Insider’s Jacob Kornbluh. Hagee was in Washington, DC over the weekend to attend the White House...

Congress passes bill targeting use of human shields by Israel’s enemies

WASHINGTON – The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed legislation targeting individuals responsible for Hamas and Hezbollah’s use of human shields as a war tactic in battles with Israel.The passage follows approval of the bill in the Senate. The legislation, titled the Sanctioning of the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act, will now...

Lobbyists push for Israel anti-boycott law in end-of-year spending bill

WASHINGTON – At the end of each year, lawmakers jockey to attach their long-stalled bills onto annual spending legislation that must pass for the government to function. And this season is no exception.With only ten days left in session, Congress is debating whether to link funding for US President Donald Trump’s push for the border wall,...

Pro-Israel Christian group tops 5 million members

Christians United for Israel continued its streak as the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, passing 5 million members.

“CUFI’s growth is a direct result of the widespread support Israel enjoys among the tens of millions of evangelicals in America,” said its founder and chairman, Pastor John Hagee. “With God’s blessing, and the...

EXCLUSIVE – Pastor John Hagee Urges Rand Paul to Remove Hold from Israel Aid Bill

Pastor John Hagee, founder and national director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), urged Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to remove his hold from critical legislation that would allow the U.S. to continue providing military assistance to Israel.
“We are confident we will find a way to get this passed,” Hagee stated. “It’s absolutely a must. We will...

Sen. Paul must release his hold on Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act

Kentucky suddenly finds itself in the midst of conversations between world leaders and elected officials concerned with intelligence sharing, the safety of our men and women in uniform, the rise of terror in the Middle East and the declining security situation throughout the region. That’s because Kentucky is presenting two opposing views to the...