At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.


Germany Allows US Sanctioned Iranian “Terror” Banks to Operate

The organization United Against Nuclear Iran published a report on Tuesday, disclosing that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is permitting Iranian banks sanctioned by the US government to operate within the federal republic.

“The oldest Iranian bank operating in Germany is Bank Melli, established in 1965 in Hamburg. It is also Iran’s...


Australian Jewish Group Charges Amazon With “Betrayal” as Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” Remains on Sale

Australia’s leading Jewish civil rights organization hammered online retail giant Amazon on Monday for allegedly reneging on a pledge to stop selling Mein Kampf — the viciously-antisemitic manifesto written by Nazi leader Adol Hitler while in prison.

According to reports last month, booksellers around the world were informed by Amazon that they...


US Opposes IMF Loan to Iranian Regime

The US State Department’s spokeswoman announced on Tuesday that America opposes an International Monetary Fund loan to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Morgan Ortagus, the US spokeswoman, told BBC Persian that the Trump administration is worried that the funds will be sent to Iran’s proxies and not benefit the Iranian people.

On Sunday, the...

Last Child to Undergo Lifesaving Heart Procedure by Save a Child’s Heart, as the Israeli Based International Organization Teams Up with Wolfson Medical Center in the Fight Against COVID-19

As Save a Child's Heart's (SACH) finished heart surgery on its last child until the pandemic ends, SACH announced today that it is teaming up with Wolfson Medical Center (WMC), a hospital serving 500,000 people in central Israel, to make space for patients and raise money for essential medical supplies needed for the hospital's fight against...

From Swords to Plows: IAI Seeks to Battle Coronavirus With UV-Light Tech

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the nation’s largest aerospace and defense firm, has jumped into the fray to help tackle the coronavirus that is killing tens of thousands of people globally and causing havoc to economies.

The company, which makes unmanned aerial systems, radars and communication satellites among other products, has put its...

Millions of Dollars Going to Holocaust Survivors for Coronavirus Help

BERLIN (AP) — Millions of dollars in additional funds are being made available to agencies around the world that provide aid to Holocaust survivors, whose advanced age and health issues makes them particularly vulnerable to the new coronavirus, the organization that handles claims on behalf of Jewish victims of the Nazis announced Monday.

The New...

Antisemitism In The News

Yale University Rabbi Abused and Beaten in Antisemitic Robbery Praises Swift Police Response

A rabbi who survived a violent antisemitic attack in New Haven last week praised the swift response of the police officers who arrived to assist him as he lay battered on the ground.

The frightening attack on Rabbi Yehoshua Rosenstein — the Jewish life adviser of the Chabad branch at Yale University — took place last Tuesday night.


Antisemitism In The News

In Unprecedented Move, US State Department Designates Russian Neo-Nazi Group as Terrorist Organization

The US State Department on Monday sanctioned a violent Russian neo-Nazi group as a terrorist organization — marking the first time that a white supremacist group has been designated in this manner.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and counterterrorism coordinator Nathan Sales announced the move against the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and its...

Yad Vashem to Mark Remembrance Day With Global Name Reading From Home

Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial based in Jerusalem, is creating a global name-reading initiative to mark Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Since gathering for the annual national Yom Hashoah ceremony, and smaller community ceremonies are impossible this year, Yad Vashem is working to ensure that the names of Holocaust members are...

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) In The News

BDS Founder: If Israel Develops Coronavirus Vaccine You Can Take It

If Israel finds a vaccine for coronavirus, boycotters can still take it, Omar Barghouti, founder of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement said on Sunday.

Barghouti made the remarks in a live video on the BDS Arabic Facebook page as part of a webinar on “BDS and Anti-normalization: The most important strategies to fight...

Experimental Israeli Drug Used to Treat Hospitalized Coronavirus Patient’s Symptoms

An Israeli biopharmaceutical firm has treated a coronavirus patient with an experimental drug aimed to lessen symptoms, after receiving a green light to use the drug in Italy.

According to Redhill Biopharma, a coronavirus patient currently suffering from respiratory complaints in hospital in Israel was dosed with the drug following approval from...

Hezbollah Commander ‘Charged With Tracking Down Israeli Collaborators’ Assassinated in Southern Lebanon

A top Hezbollah commander was found assassinated in southern Lebanon on Saturday night, according to Iranian state news agency reports.
The body of Ali Mohammed Younis was found by the roadside near the town of Qaaqaait Al Jisr, the reports said. He had been shot and stabbed to death.
Younis was seen as close to the late Iranian Revolutionary...

Israeli Researchers Believe Coronavirus Vaccine Testing Could Commence by June

Israeli researchers said they are days away from finishing production of the active component of a coronavirus vaccine that could be tested on humans starting June 1.

“We are in the final stages and within a few days we will hold the proteins—the active component of the vaccine,” Dr. Chen Katz, group leader of the biotechnology group at the MIGAL...

Iran’s Military Did “Well” by Downing Ukrainian Plane, MP Says

Iranian MP Hassan Norouzi told media in the country that the Iranian military did "well" by downing a civilian Ukrainian airliner in January during an Iranian missile attack on the Ain Al-Asad base in Iraq, according to Al Arabiya.

The MP added that no arrests have been made in relation to the incident, contrary to official claims.


Antisemitism In The News

Vandal, Caught on Tape, Scrawls Swastikas and Graffiti on Maryland Synagogue

Police in Montgomery County, Md., are looking for a man who was caught on surveillance footage last Saturday spray-painting the side of a synagogue with swastikas and hateful epithets.

The man pulled into the parking lot of Tikvat Israel Congregation in Rockville, Md., around 1:30 am on March 28, got out of his car, and spray-painted swastikas...

Palestinian Incitement Continues Unabated, Despite Israeli Assistance and Cooperation Regarding COVID-19

In just the last month alone, Israel transferred millions of shekels to the Palestinian Authority and has facilitated the entry of thousands of Palestinian workers into Israel so they can work. It has expedited the transfer of equipment to the Gaza Strip to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic there. Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and his...

Despite Covid-19 Crisis, Israeli Tech Registers Record Quarter

The coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis may have shaken the world’s economy to its core, but Israeli tech still managed to close a record-high quarter. Israeli tech companies raised a total of $2.74 billion across 139 deals during the first quarter of 2020, a record amount, according to a joint report released on Sunday by Tel Aviv-based research firm...


Iran Regime Public Relations Campaign Claims Terror Proxies Are Helping Fight Against Coronavirus

As the Iranian regime staggers under the coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc in the country, its propaganda outlets are touting the efforts of the various terror entities under its control to halt the spread of the disease.

Iran’s semi-official state news agency Tasnim ran photographs over the weekend of members of the Islamic Republic’s...

How one nonprofit is working to support Israeli start-ups amid virus pandemic

Professor Eugene Kandel is the CEO of Start-Up Nation Central, a non-profit dedicated toward strengthening Israeli innovative tech solutions and connecting world business leaders to people and technologies in Israel.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to negatively impact businesses of all sizes across the globe, Kandel's non-profit is working...

Pakistan orders re-arrest for four men acquitted in murder of Jewish-American journalist

Pakistan has ordered a three-month re-arrest for four men earlier acquitted in the murder of an American-Jewish Wall Street Journal bureau chief, Reuters reported Friday.
The authorities justified the move by saying that the four could be expected to act against Pakistan's national interests and security -- a rationale that is commonly used in the...