
Since our inception, CUFI has been opposed to the radical regime in Iran and its vehement hatred of Israel. Iran’s obsession with destroying Israel began in 1979 after the violent Islamic Revolution empowered radical fundamentalists committed to dominating the Middle East. Ever since, Iran’s hatred of Israel and the United States has been the foundation of its foreign policy.

Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Iran’s proxies, including the terrorist-army Hezbollah, are all over the world. CUFI is committed to countering Iran’s malevolence through sanctions on the Islamic Republic and efforts to disrupt military and financial support of Hezbollah. Furthermore, CUFI supports the Iranian people and those who protest Tehran’s tyranny as they seek regime change from the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government.


Iran’s navy commander threatens to sink US Navy ships

A top Iranian general has threatened to sink the United States Navy’s ships, warning that the US would find itself in a “catastrophic situation” amid an ongoing war of words between the countries over the possibility President Donald Trump’s could exit a landmark nuclear deal.

“The actual information that the Americans have about us is much less…


Trump: ‘Iran will pay if it restarts nuclear program’

US President Donald Trump warned Iran on Tuesday not to follow through with threats to restart its nuclear program, as he and French President Emmanuel Macron struggled to find common ground on saving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Weighing withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, President Donald Trump declared that if the Iranians “restart their…


Iran threatens to ‘vigorously’ resume enrichment if US quits nuclear deal

Iran is ready to “vigorously” resume nuclear enrichment if the United States ditches the 2015 nuclear deal, and further “drastic measures” are being considered in response to a US exit, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned Saturday.

Zarif told reporters in New York that Iran is not seeking to acquire a nuclear bomb, but that…


Iran threatens to ‘annihilate’ Israel, as Hezbollah boasts of reach of rockets

The head of the Iranian army on Saturday said Iranian forces were working to “annihilate” Israel and predicted they would achieve success within 25 years.

The threats from the Commander of Iran’s Army Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi come amid almost daily warnings of conflict from Tehran and Jerusalem, heightened by an alleged Israeli strike…


Israeli military on high alert amid Iran threats to avenge Syria strike

Israel’s military has been put on high alert amid heightened tensions along the northern border and with Iran threatening to avenge an airstrike on a Syrian air base believed to have killed at least 14 people, including 7 Iranian military personnel.

Russia, Syria, Iran and the United States have all said Israel carried out the predawn Monday…


Mossad chief ‘100 percent certain’ Iran still seeks nuclear bomb

The head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is “100 percent certain” that Iran remains committed to developing a nuclear bomb and believes the international community must change or scrap its nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic.

Yossi Cohen, who leads the shadowy spy agency, has been holding discussions about the Iranian nuclear program…


IRGC Commander: Iran’s Missile Production Has Increased Three-Fold

Iran has increased its missile production three-fold, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said Wednesday, according to the Fars news service.

The commander did not explain during what time period the production increase had taken place.

“In the past we had to do a lot of explaining to various bodies for our actions but it’s not like that…


US Congress Targets Iranian IRGC Front Companies With New Legislation

New legislation before the US Congress will introduce tough sanctions to combat the growing financial influence of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the main driver of Tehran’s military interventions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and other countries in the region.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and…


New satellite photos show Iran establishing another base in Syria

Iran has built another permanent military base outside Syria’s capital city complete with hangers used to store missiles capable of hitting all of Israel, according to Western intelligence sources.

Exclusive satellite images from ImageSat International obtained by Fox News show what is believed to be the new Iranian base, eight miles northwest of…


Pastor Hagee’s Briefing on the situation in northern Israel



IDF intercepting an Iranian UAV



UN Ambassador Haley Stresses Syria Atrocities, Iran Provocations, as Security Council Delegation Visits Washington

The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, spoke out forcefully against the atrocities committed by President Bashar al-Assad in Syria on Monday, during a visit to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC with a delegation of UN Security Council diplomats.

“We must always remember the victims of genocide and honor their memory, and we…


Danon: Iran currently controls 82000 fighters in Syria

“Iran is currently controlling 82,000 fighters in Syria,” Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told the UN Security Council on Thursday.

Danon told the executive body that he was ready to expose “classified information” for the first time, “because it is vital for the world to understand that if we turn a blind eye in Syria, the Iranian threat will…


With claws unsheathed, Iran creeps up on Israel

The Israeli officer leant forward in the seat of his patrol car and pointed across the desolate valley. A few miles away, the white houses dotted on the Syrian side of the border were just visible in the January gloom.

“That’s where the Syrian regime is,” he barked. “Hand in hand with them is Iran, which wants to wipe Israel out, and Hezbollah,…


US sanctions Iranian missile firms, says protesters will not be forgotten

WASHINGTON — The United States imposed sanctions Thursday on five Iranian companies it alleges are working on part of the Islamic republic’s illegal ballistic missile program while the State Department vowed that Iranian protesters “will not be forgotten.”

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin linked the measure to recent anti-government protests,…


Report: US, Israel sign secret pact to tackle Iran nuclear and missile threat

Israel and the United States have secretly signed a far-reaching joint memorandum of understanding providing for full cooperation to deal with Iran’s nuclear drive, its missile programs and its other threatening activities, an Israeli TV report said.

The document was signed on December 12 at the White House, culminating intensive talks between…


In First, US Presents Evidence of Iranian Weapons Supplied to Tehran Regime’s Ally in Yemen Civil War

The United States on Thursday presented for the first time pieces of what it said were Iranian weapons supplied to the Iran-aligned Houthi militia in Yemen, describing it as conclusive evidence that Tehran was violating UN resolutions.

Reuters was given advanced access to the military hangar at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling just outside of…


Alleged Iranian base near Syria border caught on camera

Israeli satellite photos published Thursday appear to strengthen a BBC report a week ago that Iran is building a permanent military base in Syria, just 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Israel’s northern border.

The ImageSat International pictures, published by Hadashot (formerly Channel 2) news, show that renovations and alterations were recently…