Israel Defense Force (IDF)

Israel Defense Force (IDF)

Soldiers under threat: Christian IDF recruits subject to attack

The compulsory military draft does not apply to Israel’s Christians, but the values they grew up on and the strong desire to integrate into society has spurred in recent years a growing trend of Christian enlistment in the IDF and other security forces.

However, their willingness to enlist in the army and to contribute to the security of the…

Collecting intelligence – and in ways no female soldier has done before

On a hill overlooking the small community of Yahel in the Arava, a unit of female combat intelligence soldiers are using their newest advanced tactical reconnaissance vehicle to see into the darkness and thwart possible terrorist attacks.

“There is no one else collecting intelligence in the area except us,” company commander Capt. Guy Ribenfeld…

Defense minister: In next war, Israel will face fighting in north and south

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Tuesday said the next war in Israel will see the Israel Defense Forces facing both a unified Syrian and Lebanese foe and another front in the Gaza Strip.

He also declared Tuesday that the Lebanese army has been fully integrated with Hezbollah and now operates under the terror group’s command.
“When the next…

Reversal of fortune: How the IDF turned the Yom Kippur War around

Close to midnight, after another briefing to the cabinet and before another helicopter flight to the front, the unrelenting stress of running two wars simultaneously for six straight days caught up with IDF Chief of Staff David Elazar. He was discussing the next day’s battle plans on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts with two generals and leafing…

2 IDF soldiers killed, 4 injured in training accident

An IDF lieutenant and a sergeant were killed and four soldiers were injured when a self-propelled howitzer in which they were traveling flipped over during a training exercise in the Golan Heights late Tuesday night, the army said.

One of the soldiers was severely injured and taken by helicopter to a nearby hospital. The army said there was no…

IDF soldiers take part in a unique collaboration to help children with autism

Soldiers, parents of autistic children, high school students and random volunteers joined forces in Tel Aviv to make life easier for people with autism and their caregivers.

Some 85 people took part in a 24-hour hackathon last month organized by OFEK, the computing unit of the IAF. Held jointly with ALUT, the Israel Society for Autistic Children,…

Courageous Israeli Soldier Loses Arm, Returns to Battlefield

In anguish, longing, 1.5 million Israelis pay respects at military cemeteries nationwide

The annual two-minute memorial siren sounded at 11 a.m. Israel time, bringing the country to a halt on Monday to commemorate the 23,544 members of the security forces and 3,117 terror victims in Israel’s history.

Road closures and increased train traffic surrounded the country’s 52 military cemeteries and hundreds of smaller military sections in…

Israel’s annual Memorial Day remembers 23,544 fallen soldiers

Israelis bowed their heads for a minute of silence as the siren wailed on Sunday evening to remember the men and women who died during active duty or were killed in terror attacks.

The siren marked the official start of the annual Memorial Day, although several events were held earlier Sunday.

Speaking earlier at a ceremony at the Yad Labanim…

Six-Day War: The Israeli Navy’s commandos ‘suicide missions’

Shayetet 13 (‘Flotilla 13′), the Israeli Navy’s special operations unit, was sent at the start of the Six-Day War on a daring series of missions deep within enemy territory, which included covert assault on harbors in Syria and Egypt.

Those missions can now retroactively be called suicide missions, as in spite of the soldiers’ bravery, the heroic…

Trigger fingers: The IDF officers responsible for intercepting missiles

Lt. Dima Kisilov’s first phone call, meanwhile, was to his father. “I asked him if he heard what had happened in Eilat because I was afraid he might be worried,” he says, “but it turns out I had woken him up. So I told him, he was excited for a bit, and then he went back to sleep.”

Before 2nd Lt. Chen Shaked could call his mother, however, she…