CUFI In The News

Successes in Washington, CUFI’s statements on breaking Israel-related news, and bold leadership in initiatives aimed at making Israel more secure and her people safer, have led established outlets to take notice of CUFI’s efforts and cover what we say and what we do.

With hundreds of mentions in the media, and the vast majority being positive or neutral, CUFI has solidified our place in the pro-Israel community’s tapestry and in the foreign policy arena.

These are selected articles and opinion pieces authored by or featuring CUFI.

Pompeo Focuses On Religious Liberty in CUFI Speech

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo focused on religious liberty during his July 8 speech at the Christians United for Israel Summit in Washington, D.C., contrasting Israel’s religious freedom to Iran’s intolerance.

Pompeo began the speech by arguing that “Christians in America are among Israel’s greatest friends,” saying that Christian support for a...

Pompeo to Iran After Nuclear Deal Violation: ‘We Are Not Done’

Iranian officials announced on Monday that the Islamic regime continues to violate the terms in the nuclear deal brokered during the Obama era, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shot back at the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Summit in Washington, DC.
“We’ve implemented the strongest pressure campaign in history against the Iranian regime,...


Jerusalem Post Israel News
"President Trump promised that Israel would have the resources and tools to defend itself by itself," he continued.
BY OMRI NAHMIAS JULY 8, 2019 19:42
2 minute read.

VP Pence: 'Iran should not confuse U.S. restraint with lack of resolve'


WASHINGTON – The annual conference of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) was concluded on Wednesday with an off-the-record briefing by senior administration officials such as Jared Kushner and Victoria Coats of the National Security Council, to the organization’s board members.

It was yet another example of the close friendship between the...

US Ratchets Pressure on Iran: It’s Time to Stop Funding ‘Murderous Hatred Against Israel’

WASHINGTON – Iran is threatening more violations of the 2015 nuclear deal, announcing Monday that it will take "steadfast" measures to expand its nuclear program. Meanwhile, the White House and the world are responding to news that Iran is enriching uranium beyond acceptable levels.

President Donald Trump first warned Iran that it had "better be...

Interview: Yankees legend Mariano Rivera explains why he’s a strong supporter of Israel

New York Yankees legend Mariano Rivera will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on July 21 as the first player to be unanimously selected. But this week, the five-time World Series winner was in Washington to make the pitch for Israel.

Rivera was on hand to appear at the annual Christians United For Israel summit, a gathering of the...

Largest pro-Israel group grows to 7M members, lauded by Netanyahu, Trump administration

The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is flooding the nation's capital in support of the Jewish State.

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) announced at its annual gathering in Washington, D.C. to more than 5,000 summit attendees that it is now seven million members strong. Attendees heard from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin...

At annual CUFI conference, Pence warns Iran, rebukes border-security language

“We must never allow the memory of those lost in the Holocaust to be cheapened as a cliché to advance some left-wing political narrative,” said U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.

(July 8, 2019 / JNS) U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Monday warned Iran that the United States is prepared to defend itself, in addition to criticizing Rep. Alexandria...

Mideast envoy Greenblatt: US not seeking regime change in Palestinian Authority

“We have to deal with everybody to make this work,” said U.S. special envoy for Mideast peace negotiations Jason Greenblatt. “We cannot make a comprehensive peace unless we make sure that we are dealing with the representatives of all the Palestinian people.”

(July 8, 2019 / JNS) U.S. special envoy for Mideast peace negotiations Jason Greenblatt...

Netanyahu, US Republican heavyweights focus on Iran threat at pro-Israel Evangelical confab

Signalling Evangelical voters’ importance to 2020 campaign, five top Trump officials spoke at the CUFI summit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and no less than five top US officials addressed the annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) confab in Washington D.C. as the largest grassroots pro-Israel conference in America kicked off...

Pence: Iran should not confuse American restraint for lack of resolve

'We hope for the best but the USA and our military are prepared to protect our interests and our personnel'

Vice President Mike Pence warned Monday that the United States and its military are prepared to protect American interests as tensions continue to spiral with Iran.

“Let me be clear: Iran should not confuse American restraint with a lack...

CUFI stands up for Israel at UN Human Rights Council

Kasim Hafeez, of British Muslim heritage and former Islamist who is now a proud Zionist who stands with Israel, spoke out at the United Nations Human Rights Council against their condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

“As this body recently displayed by brazenly lying about Israel’s actions in Gaza, hatred towards the Jewish state persists,”...

Texas is latest state to blacklist Airbnb for what it considers anti-Israel actions

Texas is adding short-term-rental site Airbnb to a list of companies that cannot receive state investments because it disallows Israeli-owned rentals in the disputed West Bank.

Airbnb is the only American-based company on Texas' anti-Israel boycott list, which includes a Norwegian financial services group, a British wholesale co-op and a...

Texas Blacklists Airbnb Over West Bank Settlement Boycott

On Friday the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Glenn Hegar publicly updated the list of businesses on the state’s “List of Companies that Boycott Israel” to include Airbnb.

The state of Texas has blacklisted the global vacation rental company Airbnb over its boycott of West Bank settlements.

“We welcome this decision very much and we hope...

Activist who said Israel is a ‘terrorist entity’ attends Tlaib swearing-in, private dinner

(January 14, 2019 / JNS) Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) met with Abbas Hamideh, a Palestinian activist who has said that Israel is a “terrorist entity,” over the weekend.

“I was honored to be at Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib swearing in ceremony in #Detroit and private dinner afterward with the entire family, friends and activists across the...

JCRC Finds Ally in Evangelical Pro-Israel Advocacy Giant

The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) are embarking on a strategic relationship in Israel advocacy.

“We are limited demographically," said JCRC Executive Director Ron Halber. "We can’t be everywhere fighting every battle. We need friends."

Halber was joined for a Jan. 9...

Florida Governor Denounces BDS, Airbnb; Boosts Security Funding for Day Schools

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called for increased Jewish day-school security funding, while calling for state sanctions against businesses that engage in the BDS movement.

The Republican governor, sworn in last week, pushed for a minimum of $2 million in recurring security funding for Jewish day schools. This comes in the aftermath of...

DeSantis Threatens Airbnb with Sanctions over Israeli Settlement Boycott

TEL AVIV – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday ordered state officials to boycott Airbnb when conducting state business and said he would make the vacation rental giant “feel the heat” unless it walks back its decision banning rentals in Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

“We have a moral obligation to oppose the Airbnb policy; it does target...