At CUFI, we are focused on several key issues with the goal of defending Israel’s strength, security, and sovereignty.

If you want to keep up with all things Israel, sign up for CUFI’s Daily Briefing – our daily news roundup created exclusively for CUFI members. Every morning, Monday through Friday, receive an email with some of the top headlines in the news so you are always informed and ready to debunk lies with the truth.

Iran Issues

Pastor Saeed Abedini On His Encounter With Al Qaeda In An Iranian Prison

Iran Issues

Pastor Saeed Abedini Describes His Arrest in Iran


Israeli minister blames online incitement for Jerusalem attack

On the heels of Sunday’s deadly shooting attack in Jerusalem, Israel’s public security minister reiterated his criticism of social media, saying sites such as Facebook are acting as a platform for online incitement.

Visiting the site of the attack where two people were killed and six others injured, Gilad Erdan said that one of the main animating...

Talking Points

Talking Points on The US Israel Relationship

The media is awash in articles declaring that the U.S.-Israel relationship has hit a new low. And yes, when you have an unnamed Administration official calling the Prime Minister of Israel a "chickensh**t," things have definitely gotten bad.

But what troubles us more than the childish name calling is the persistent policy. In recent months, we...

Talking Points

Obama’s Dangerous Iran Framework

Yesterday, President Obama announced with great pride that he has reached an agreement with Iran on the framework for a nuclear deal. The details of this framework agreement are still unclear. In fact, Iran has already challenged the Administration’s vague characterization of these parameters. But we already know enough to know that nothing about...

Talking Points

The Pope and the Palestinians

We were disappointed to see initial reports that Pope Francis called Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas an "angel of peace." We were relieved to see reports that the Pope was likely misunderstood. It seems that what he said to Abbas was that he "could be" an angel of peace.
And indeed, President Abbas could be an angel of peace. In...

Talking Points

Iran Nuclear Talks — More Warning Signs

Yesterday, June 30th, was the deadline by which America and the other P5+1 nations were supposed to reach a deal with Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. This was not the first such deadline. Yet once again, the deadline came and went without a deal.

Meanwhile, we continue to receive troubling reports from Geneva that the negotiations have...

Talking Points

Keep Your Eye on the Nuclear Ball

We in CUFI were opposed to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. And we opposed it with everything we had. We recognized that Iran is an aggressive power with no interest in peace. We knew that this deal would not appease Iran but merely embolden it. And, once the deal was signed, we prayed that we would be proven wrong.

Sadly, we have not...

Talking Points

CUFI Talking Points: Terrorists Target Christians in Pakistan

CUFI has always stressed that Israel's fight is our fight and that Israel's enemies are our enemies. Simply put, those who hate Israel also hate the U.S., and those who hate Jews also hate Christians.

Yesterday, we received yet another terrible, tragic confirmation of this fact.

On Easter Sunday, a suicide bomber detonated explosives at a public...

Talking Points

CUFI Talking Points: Terror in Tel Aviv

In June, the Tel Aviv days are hot and steamy. But things cool off nicely at night, and families and friends can go out and enjoy their city and their lives. But this past Wednesday night, two men sitting at a Tel Aviv restaurant had other plans. After ordering desert, they rose, pulled out guns, and began firing at their fellow diners. Four...

Talking Points

CUFI Talking Points: 13 year old stabbed to death in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist

We at CUFI are shocked and heartbroken today to learn that 13 year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist who broke into her bedroom in Kiryat Arba. The loss of her young b eautiful life, so full of promise and innocence, is deeply mourned by everyone in Israel and the CUFI community. We offer her family our prayers...


The Necessity of Israel’s Security Fence


The Truth about the Temple Mount Pt. 2


The Truth about the Temple Mount Pt. 1

Iran Issues

The Iran Threat to America

Hezbollah Issues

Hezbollah’s Growing Global Reach

Iran Issues

Gary Bauer on Iran


Archaeological Evidence of the Kingdom of David

Biblical archaeology was revolutionized several years ago when evidence of the existence of the kingdom of David was brought to light in the form of a fortified Iron Age town excavated in the Elah Valley by Hebrew University Professor Yosef Garfinkel and Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) archaeologist Sa’ar Ganor.

The place was described by the...


Archaeologists Uncover Life of Luxury in 2,000-year-old Priestly Quarters of Jerusalem

Archaeologists excavating in the heart of ancient Jerusalem have begun to uncover the neighborhood that housed the elite 2,000 years ago – most probably the priestly ruling class.

One of the houses had its own cistern, a mikveh (a Jewish ritual bathing pool), a barrel-vaulted ceiling and a chamber with three bread ovens.

Inside a room found with...

Talking Points

Obama, Netanyahu and the Israeli Election

CUFI is a bipartisan organization. We have gone out of our way to acknowledge President Obama when he has stood by Israel. But now we must note that President Obama has crossed the line. His disrespect of the Israeli people and the leader they just reelected by a wide margin are simply unacceptable. The fact that he blasts Israel while embracing...