In The News

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In The News

Rockets fired at Jerusalem area and south, shattering calm amid Gaza truce efforts

Gazan terrorists fired dozens of rockets at Israel late Friday morning, breaking several hours of calm and likely setting back efforts to end the fighting after several days.

Rocket fire was directed at areas near the Strip, and a short time later long-range projectiles were launched toward areas south of Jerusalem, setting off sirens in the…

In The News

Israel calls off Gaza strike after detecting Palestinian children: Watch

The Israel Defense Forces called off an airstrike on Palestinian Islamic Jihad assets in the Gaza Strip so as not to put at risk two children identified in the area at the last moment, the IDF revealed on Thursday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Israeli killed as Gaza rocket makes direct hit on building in Rehovot

An Israeli man was killed when a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip struck a four-story building in Rehovot, 12 miles south of Tel Aviv, on Thursday evening.

The unidentified man’s body was reportedly found under the rubble.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Bernie Sanders helps Rashida Tlaib host ‘Nakba’ event as rockets rain on Israel

US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) salvaged an event planned by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) calling Israel’s establishment a “catastrophe” on Wednesday, a day on which Palestinian terrorists shot 500 rockets at Israeli civilians.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

David’s Sling downs rocket headed for Tel Aviv in first real-world interception

The David’s Sling air defense system successfully shot down a rocket from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, a military source said, marking the first real-world interception for the battery.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Israel accuses PIJ of killing four Gazans with failed rocket launches

The Israeli military on Thursday accused Palestinian Islamic Jihad of killing four Gaza civilians with failed rocket launches.

The four were killed in separate incidents on Wednesday as the terror group fired more than 500 rockets at Israel. According to the Israel Defense Forces, 108 of those launches failed, with the rockets coming down…

In The News

Day 3: Gaza rockets ongoing as 5th top PIJ terrorist killed; truce talks intensify

Sirens sounded in southern Israel on Thursday morning hours after the army announced that it had killed the commander and deputy of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s rocket launching force in Gaza.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Two worshipers, guard killed in attack at Tunisia synagogue during pilgrimage

Two worshipers were killed when a Tunisian naval officer opened fire at a synagogue on the island of Djerba Tuesday night, as hundreds of Jews held an annual pilgrimage there, Tunisian authorities said.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Shin Bet chief: Slain Gaza terror chief was directing West Bank rocket-making cell

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar said Tuesday that security forces recently foiled a Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell based in the West Bank that had started to manufacture rockets to launch at Israel under the direction of one of the senior leaders in the group eliminated by Israel in a series of airstrikes in Gaza.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Israeli military evacuates thousands of Gaza-area residents

Thousands of Israelis living near Gaza have been evacuated since Tuesday’s targeted killings of three top Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists in the Strip.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Terrorists fire over 100 rockets at Israel as IDF strikes PIJ assets in Gaza

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip unleashed barrages of rockets at Israel on Wednesday afternoon, breaking a tense day-long calm following the IDF’s targeted killing of three top Palestinian Islamic Jihad members on Tuesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Hezbollah builds 27 new bases in Lebanon under cover of fake NGO

Israel’s Foreign Ministry revealed on Monday that Hezbollah has in the past year constructed no fewer than 27 military posts along the Blue Line, a demarcation separating Israel and Lebanon.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

What’s inside the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s weapon arsenal?

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the target of Israel’s Operation Shield and Arrow is extensive and deadly. It is not as large as the Hamas rocket arsenal or Hezbollah’s massive stockpile, which is believed to be more than 100,000 rockets. Palestinian Islamic Jihad is an Iranian proxy and thus has Iranian backing for its rocket program.

Read more:…

In The News

Israel will ‘pay the price,’ Hamas warns after killing of PIJ terrorists

Hamas threatened retaliation on Tuesday for the targeted killing of three senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad commanders in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian sources told the Al-Quds daily that Khalil Bahitini, Jahed Ahnam and Tarek Azaldin were preparing for a trip when they were hit by the Israeli strikes.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Top Islamic Jihad terrorists killed as IDF bombs Gaza; south girds for rockets

Explosions ripped through Gaza early Tuesday morning as the Israeli Air Force assassinated three senior members of the Islamic Jihad terror group, days after a short-lived but fiery flareup of violence set the restive region on edge.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Leaked US intel files: Iran smuggling weapons hidden in earthquake relief to Syria

Iran and allied proxy groups have been smuggling weapons into Syria concealed within aid shipments sent in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake earlier this year, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Lebanon terror groups directed bus bombing attempt in Israel – Shin Bet

Six members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attempted Beitar Illit bus bombing on March 9, and for allegedly planning a series of future explosive attacks, Israel’s Shin Bet announced on Monday morning.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Ukraine says it shot down 35 Iranian-made drones over Kyiv as attacks kill 4

Ukraine air defenses shot down 35 Iranian-made drones over Kyiv in Russia’s latest nighttime assault, as attacks across Ukraine by the Kremlin’s forces killed four civilians, officials said Monday.

The bombardments came as Moscow enforced tight security on the eve of traditional Red Square commemorations marking the defeat of Nazi Germany in…