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In The News

Iran hangs 3 linked to Amini protests, drawing condemnations

Iran on Friday executed three men convicted of killing security force members during protests triggered by Mahsa Amini’s death last year, the judiciary said, drawing condemnation from rights groups.

Read more: The Time of Israel

In The News

White House wants Saudi-Israel deal by year’s end

The White House is pressing for an Israeli-Saudi peace deal in the next six months before U.S. President Joe Biden goes into full campaign mode, Axios reported, citing two U.S. officials.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Jerusalem Day: The statistics of Israel’s capital

As every year, the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research published its Yearbook with data that paints as recent a picture of Jerusalem as possible. Although reflective of the previous year (in this case, 2021 -2022), the data serves to provide a picture of emerging trends over the years.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Zelensky to address Arab leaders in Saudi Arabia, including Russia-backed Assad

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Saudi Arabia ahead of an Arab summit on Friday, where he was set to address leaders who have remained largely neutral on Russia’s invasion of his country, including many who maintain warm ties with Moscow.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Palestinian textbook bill gains bipartisan support in Congress

A bipartisan bill requiring the US secretary of state to submit annual reports on inciteful and antisemitic Palestinian educational material has been introduced to Congress and unanimously passed in the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Netanyahu on Jerusalem Day: ‘We have returned to our country

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Thursday that despite the many threats Israel faces, it will continue to build up its “eternal capital” Jerusalem.

The comments came ahead of Jerusalem Day, an annual holiday celebrating the reunification of the city in the 1967 Six-Day War.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

US said to propose ‘joint military planning’ with Israel on Iran, but Jerusalem wary

The US recently proposed to Israel that Washington and Jerusalem engage in “joint military planning” vis-a-vis Iran, according to a report Wednesday citing US and Israeli officials.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

US antisemitism envoy slams Abbas: Goebbels speech an ‘affront to Holocaust victims’

Deborah Lipstadt, the US State Department’s top envoy combating antisemitism, condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday for likening Israel to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

2,000-year-old ledger found in City of David points to widespread 2nd Temple literacy

A broken chalkstone inscribed with seven rows of mundane text sheds new light on who could read and write 2,000 years ago in ancient Jerusalem. Discovered during excavations of the City of David’s Pilgrimage Path, the partial inscription appears to be a merchant’s accounting record that lists names, measures and numbers.

Read more: The Times of…

In The News

Russia and Iran ink deal for rail link as part of intercontinental trade route

Russian and Iran signed an agreement Wednesday to finance and build a railway line that will form part of a developing international cargo route they hope can become a major player in global shipping.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Ancient tablet found on Mount Ebal predates known Hebrew inscriptions

An early Hebrew inscription from Mount Ebal near Nablus that was found on a folded lead tablet during an excavation in the 1980s recently underwent x-ray tomographic measurements to reveal hidden text.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Three Palestinians hurt in clash with IDF soldiers during Jenin arrest raid

Israeli forces exchanged fire with armed Palestinians in the West Bank on Tuesday morning, the military and Palestinian media said, as tensions remained high days after Israel agreed to a ceasefire with the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad following several days of violence.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Police clear rocket, interceptor fragments from over 100 sites in Israel’s south

As the truce between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad entered its third day on Tuesday, Israeli police were busy clearing out the dangerous rocket remnants that remain scattered around the southern part of the country.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Abbas at UN disavows Jewish ties to Al-Aqsa, compares Israel to Nazis

There is no proof of Jewish ties to the area of Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday at the United Nations. He mentioned Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount and its adjacent Western Wall.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Auschwitz museum begins heartrending work preserving 8,000 shoes of murdered children

In a modern conservation laboratory on the grounds of the former Auschwitz camp, a man wearing blue rubber gloves uses a scalpel to scrape away rust from the eyelets of small brown shoes worn by children before they were murdered in gas chambers.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Gazan man killed in rocket strike on Israel recognized as victim of terror

Israel announced Sunday that a Palestinian laborer from Gaza who was killed in a rocket attack while working in southern Israel on Saturday will be recognized by the state as a victim of terror.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Hamas gave sanctuary to Islamic Jihad leaders during 5-day Gaza operation — report

Hamas provided hiding places for leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad during Israel’s five-day offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to a report Sunday.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

How the Gaza ceasefire unfolded with Iran’s consent

The breakthrough for Saturday night’s Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between Israel and Gaza came as a result of a conversation between Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s top leader and Iran’s foreign minister.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate