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In The News

Hezbollah bigger challenge than Hamas to Israel: ‘Crown jewel in the Iranian empire of terror’

With Israel on the verge of a third full-blown war against Hezbollah because of the Lebanese organization’s constant firing of deadly missiles, drones and rockets, the differences and similarities between Hezbollah and Hamas are now under the microscope.

Read more: Fox News

In The News

11 funerals for IDF commanders, soldiers held across Israel as nation mourns

Eleven funerals were held across Israel on Sunday for Israel Defense Forces troops who died over the weekend in three separate incidents in fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Top Biden envoy meets with Netanyahu as north heats up

Amos Hochstein, deputy assistant to the U.S. president and senior adviser for energy and investment, met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his office in Jerusalem on Monday as the Biden administration attempts to prevent a wider war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

US providing Israel with unprecedented amount of intelligence, but with restrictions

The US has provided Israel with intelligence capabilities never before seen prior to October 7, a senior official told The Washington Post on Friday.

A notable example of such capabilities was Israel’s recent hostage rescue operation, the official said.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Iran installing and starting cascades of advanced centrifuges as tensions high over nuclear program

Iran has started up new cascades of advanced centrifuges and plans to install others in the coming weeks after facing criticism over its nuclear program, the United Nations’ atomic watchdog said Friday. The U.S. called the moves “nuclear escalations.”

Read more: NBC News

In The News

Hezbollah claims responsibility for firing dozens of rockets at Kiryat Shmona area

Hezbollah claims responsibility for launching dozens of Katyusha and Falaq rockets at the northern city of Kiryat Shmona and the nearby town of Kfar Szold.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

US Navy faces ‘most sustained combat’ since WWII against Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis

The US Navy prepared for decades to potentially fight the Soviet Union, then later Russia and China, on the world’s waterways. But instead of a global power, the Navy finds itself locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Hamas official says ‘no one has any idea’ how many Israeli hostages are still alive

The fate of the 120 remaining hostages in Gaza is crucial to any deal to end the protracted and bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas. But a senior Hamas official has told CNN that “no one has an idea” how many of them are alive, and that any deal to release them must include guarantees of a permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of…

In The News

Poll: 75% of Palestinians ‘satisfied’ with Hamas terror war

The Palestinians’ satisfaction with Hamas’s performance in the war against Israel has reached its highest point since the terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre, while support for the Palestinian Authority and its ruling Fatah faction has plummeted, according to a poll published on Wednesday by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research.

In The News

Mob on NYC subway: ‘Zionists: This is your chance to get out’

Anti-Israel protesters continued to run wild across New York as masked agitators on a city subway car Monday demanded to know if there were any Zionists on board, while elsewhere in the city vandals attacked the home of the Jewish director of the Brooklyn Museum.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Senior UN Employee Runs International Network Targeting Israel, UN Watch Charges

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese has been operating an international network entitled the “Global Network on Question of Palestine” (GNQP) aimed at targeting Israel, according to a UN Watch report earlier this week.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

IDF chief talks security with Arab counterparts in Manama

Israel’s top general met this week in Bahrain with counterparts from several Arab militaries to discuss security coordination, Axios reported on Wednesday.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Blinken: Hamas response to hostage proposal is unworkable

Hamas’s official response to Israel’s hostages-for-ceasefire proposal included modifications that are not workable, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

IDF destroys 45 terror targets in Gaza over 24 hours

Israeli fighter jets destroyed some 45 terrorist targets across the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, the military said on Thursday.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Two wounded as Hezbollah fires 150 rockets at northern Israel

Two Israelis sustained light wounds on Thursday when rocket shrapnel fell in Katzrin, the largest Israeli community in the Golan Heights.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Hamas response rejects hostage-ceasefire deal offer presented by Biden

An Israeli official says that Jerusalem has received Hamas’s response to the hostage release and ceasefire deal offer presented by US President Joe Biden late last month, and that the reply from the terror group effectively rejects the proposal.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Kremlin says Russia and Iran continuing work on cooperation pact, schedule may shift

Moscow and Tehran are continuing their work on a comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement, although the schedule of specific events may shift, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday, adding Russia intended to develop ties with Iran.

Read more: Reuters

In The News

Hostages Ziv, Kozlov and Meir Jan’s ordeal ‘beyond anything you can imagine’

Three hostages rescued by the army over the weekend suffered repeated physical and psychological abuse during eight months in Hamas captivity in Gaza, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing the abductees’ relatives as well as Israeli security and medical officials.

Read more: The Times of Israel