In The News

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In The News

Hamas again using human shields in Gaza

Hamas continues to use Gazan civilians as human shields by building its terrorist infrastructure in densely populated civilian areas, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday, sharing evidence of the Islamist group’s facilities located near medical clinics, schools and U.N. buildings.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Hamas terrorists murdered 40 babies in kibbutz attack

Hamas terrorists murdered approximately 40 babies as part of their Oct. 7 attack on Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Israel Defense Forces soldiers who retook the community told i24News on Tuesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Chanting ‘700,’ pro-Palestinian activists in New York fete Hamas attack

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators on Sunday in New York celebrated Hamas’s massive deadly terror attack against Israel, as supporters of the Jewish state held rallies to mourn and express outrage over the slaughter.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Hamas carried out years-long campaign to fool Israel before attack, source says

Hamas conducted a years-long campaign to fool Israel into thinking the group did not desire armed conflict and could be placated with economic incentives to maintain relative calm, a source close to the terror organization told the Reuters news agency Monday.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Mortars fired from Lebanon, infiltrators killed as 6 Israelis injured in gunfight

The Israel Defense Forces said two mortars were fired at northern Israel and that troops killed two gunmen who infiltrated into Israeli territory from Lebanon on Monday afternoon, as fighting continued in southern Israel in the wake of a major attack launched by the Palestinian Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Heavy rocket fire on central, southern Israel; 300,000 reservists mobilized in 48 hours

Five people were wounded on Monday, two of them seriously, as heavy barrages of rockets were fired by terrorists in the Gaza Strip at towns in southern and central Israel, including one that exploded near Ben Gurion International Airport.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi wins 2023 Nobel Peace Prize

Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian women’s rights advocate serving 12 years in prison, won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a decision likely to anger Tehran.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Hezbollah intended to build observation post on Israeli territory

A security source told i24NEWS that a concrete infrastructure removed by the Lebanese army on Thursday, and which crossed the blue line into Israeli territory in an enclave near the Moshav of Shtula, belonged to the terrorist organization Hezbollah and was intended to be used as an observation post.

Read more: i24 News

In The News

Palestinian terrorist opens fire on Israeli family in Huwara

A Palestinian terrorist opened fire at an Israeli vehicle on Route 60 in Huwara, just outside Nablus (Shechem) in northern Samaria, the Israel Defense Forces said on Thursday night.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

IDF says structure found on its side of northern border, taken down by Lebanon

The Israeli military said Thursday it discovered a concrete structure being built on its side of the unofficial border with Lebanon, which was subsequently dismantled by the Lebanese Army.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Canada apologizes for lauding another soldier who fought in Nazi unit

A week after Anthony Rota, the speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, resigned over its parliament honoring a Ukrainian man who fought in a voluntary Nazi unit, another highly decorated member in the Waffen-SS Galicia Division has come to light.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Palestinian Islamic Jihad reveals new, locally-made drones in Gaza

The military branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist movement, the al-Quds Brigades, revealed new, locally-made drones and rockets during a military parade in the central Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

Read More: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

In historic first, Israeli minister delivers speech in Riyadh

Israeli Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi spoke at a conference in Saudi Arabia’s capital on Wednesday, marking the first speech by an Israeli minister in the country.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

5 Israeli Border Police officers wounded in Tulkarm clashes

Five Israel Border Police officers were wounded by a grenade during clashes with Palestinian terrorists in Tulkarm on Thursday morning, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Border Police said in a joint statement.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Iranian leader Khamenei warns Saudis against ‘betting on losing horse’ Israel

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said that Muslim countries that are normalizing with Israel are “betting on a losing horse,” state-run media reported Tuesday, as regional rival Saudi Arabia moves toward establishing ties with Jerusalem.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Hezbollah: Muslim world must condemn those that normalize ties with Israel

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said on Monday evening that Muslim countries that normalize ties with Israel “must be condemned,” Iranian state media reported on Tuesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Avowed Holocaust denier running for school board in Minnesota

One of the candidates on the ballot for an upcoming Minnesota school board election is an avowed Holocaust denier who has called for all Jews to be sterilized and tattooed with the Star of David, all synagogues to be closed and all Jewish children to be forcibly removed from their parents.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Israeli child wounded by Palestinians near Huwara

An Israeli child was lightly wounded on Wednesday morning when Palestinian stoned Israeli vehicles on a road in the area of Huwara, according to Israel’s Army Radio.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate