In The News

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In The News

CENTCOM chief talks Iran threat with Gallant

Gen. Michael Kurilla, head of the U.S. military’s Central Command (CENTCOM), met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi in Tel Aviv on Wednesday.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Abbas, Haniyeh hold ‘unity talks’ with Erdoğan in Turkey

Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas terror master Ismail Haniyeh held a joint meeting in Ankara on Wednesday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Jenin area terrorists fire rocket at Israeli town

Palestinian terrorists on Thursday fired a rocket from the Jenin area in Samaria towards the Israeli moshav of Ram-On in the Gilboa region.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

‘A Dark Day for Higher Education’: American Anthropological Association Endorses BDS After Referendum

Members of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) overwhelmingly voted to approve a resolution calling for a full academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

Read more: The Algemeiner

In The News

Rare Great Revolt-era half-shekel found in Judean desert

A 2,000-year-old silver half-shekel bearing the Hebrew inscription “Holy Jerusalem” has been discovered in the Judean desert, the Israel Antiquities Authority revealed on Tuesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Video shows armed Hezbollah terrorists operating on Israeli border

Armed Hezbollah terrorists were recently spotted patrolling the border between Lebanon and Israel in clear violation of a legally binding U.N. resolution, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed to local media on Tuesday.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

IDF: Palestinian gunman killed by Israeli forces during raid in Nablus

An alleged Palestinian gunman was shot dead by Israeli forces during a raid in the West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday, the military and Palestinian health officials said.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Israeli bus comes under fire in Huwara; none hurt

Palestinian gunmen opened fire on a bus carrying Israelis in the West Bank town of Huwara on Monday night, with medics clarifying that no one was injured in the terror attack.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

BIRD Foundation to invest $8 million in 9 new Israel-US tech projects

The Israel-US Binational Industrial R&D Foundation (BIRD) has approved $8 million in funding for nine innovative projects between US and Israeli companies in various technological sectors.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

IDF says no threat after Hezbollah members seen patrolling on northern border

Members of the Lebanese Hezbollah terror group were filmed carrying out a patrol on Israel’s border while fitted with military gear, in what appeared to be a violation of a United Nations resolution, the Israeli military said Tuesday.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

IDF thwarts Samaria attack; 3 Hamas terrorists killed

Israeli forces on Tuesday thwarted a terror attack on a military checkpoint on Mount Gerizim in northern Samaria, according to the Israel Defense Forces.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

As Palestinian factions seek reconciliation in Cairo, Islamic Jihad to boycott talks

Ziyad al-Nakhala, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, announced on Sunday that the movement will boycott a meeting of Palestinian factions scheduled to take place in Cairo on July 30.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Hamas raids Islamic Jihad mosque in Gaza, arrests prominent cleric

Police in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip swarmed a mosque and arrested a prominent religious figure affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group this week.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

13 years after saving infant, medics join ‘miracle’ bar mitzvah

In a heartwarming reunion, a team of medics were invited to the recent bar mitzvah celebration of Shmuel Kovetzik in Kfar Chabad, near Tel Aviv, whose life they saved at birth.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Israeli forces clash with Islamic Jihad terrorists in Samaria

Israeli forces engaged Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists on Sunday night in the Nur Shams camp east of Tulkarm in northern Samaria.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Iran’s Most Powerful Unit Yet in Syria Targets U.S. and Israel, Intel Finds

Iran has assembled a heavily armed unit comprised of thousands of fighters from across the region capable of conducting attacks on U.S. troops in Syria as well as against neighboring Israel, according to a document shared with Newsweek by a member of an intelligence agency of a nation allied with the United States.

Read more: Newsweek

In The News

US dispatches more warships, jets to Persian Gulf to protect shipping lanes

The US is sending additional warships and thousands of Marines to the Middle East to increase security in the wake of Iranian attempts to seize commercial ships there.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

New Senate bill seeks to expand Abraham Accords

“Further integration in this region, one marked by conflict and disunity, must be a pillar of U.S. foreign policy moving forward,” Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) said as he led the announcement of legislation intended to nurture Middle East peace.
Read more: Jewish News Syndicate