In The News

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In The News

US naval forces recover hijacked Israel-linked ship

The USS Mason and allied ships have recovered the Israel-linked Central Park tanker, which an “unknown entity” hijacked in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Yemen, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed on Monday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Released Palestinian prisoner investigated for inciting more terror

The Israel Police opened an investigation into one of the Palestinian terrorists released from prison as part of the hostage deal with Hamas, Israeli lawmaker Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism) said on Monday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

IDF soldier rescued from Gaza in first public message: ‘Happy I got my life back’

Soldier Ori Megidish, who was rescued last month by Israeli troops from Gaza after being abducted by terrorists on October 7, released her first public message since being rescued, hoping all hostages will return and saying she’s “happy I got my life back.”

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Doha: Israel and Hamas agree to 2-day extension of truce

Israel and Hamas agreed to extend the ceasefire-for-hostages agreement by two days, a spokesperson for Qatar’s Foreign Ministry announced on Monday evening.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

October 1 – Israel Is – Springfield, MA

CUFI offered it’s first event in Springfield MA at Shalom Nepali Church. The Sunday message was shared with host Pastor Razu Ramdan who translated into Nepali. The audience of twenty were engaged with the message and several stayed after service for a time Q and A.

In The News

First Lady Herzog decries ‘unforgivable’ silence of rights groups over Hamas rapes

First Lady Michal Herzog denounced international human rights organizations for not speaking out against the multiple rapes and other violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during their October 7 onslaught, saying the silence is “devastating” and a failure for women everywhere.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

Israeli strikes said to target Damascus area

Israel Air Force fighter jets struck two targets in the Damascus area on Wednesday, the Syrian Ministry of Defense claimed.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Cabinet okays deal for release of 50 Israeli hostages in exchange for 4-day Gaza truce

In a pivotal vote early Wednesday morning, the full Israeli cabinet approved an agreement to secure the release by Hamas of roughly 50 Israeli hostages who were abducted and taken into Gaza during the terror group’s October 7 terror onslaught. Some 240 hostages are being held overall. The deal was approved by 35 votes to three. A first group of…

In The News

IAF intercepts cruise missile headed for Eilat

Israel Air Force jets intercepted a cruise missile heading for the Red Sea resort city of Eilat on Wednesday afternoon.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

2 Gaza terrorists found in Rahat a month after October 7 assault

Elite forces two weeks ago captured two terrorists who had infiltrated from the Gaza Strip during the October 7 assault, detaining them in the southern Bedouin city of Rahat, nearly a month after they first entered the country, the Border Police and the Shin Bet security agency announced in a Monday statement.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

IDF strike kills 4 Hamas terrorists in Lebanon; 2 reporters killed in separate strike

An Israeli drone strike in southern Lebanon killed four members of the Hamas terror group, a Palestinian official and a Lebanese security official said Tuesday.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

IDF surrounds Jabalia; IAF hit 250 Hamas targets in 24 hours

Israeli forces completed the encirclement of Jabalia in the Gaza Strip overnight Monday and were preparing to assault Hamas forces in the city, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Netanyahu: Progress made on hostage deal as Cabinet to convene

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping there will “soon” be good news regarding a deal to secure the release of some hostages being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he said on Tuesday.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Israel posts pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza

On Monday, World Children’s Day, Israel tweeted a picture collage of the 40 Israelis under the age of 18 being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Iran unveils improved hypersonic missile, claims it can evade air defense systems

Iran unveiled on Sunday a newer version of what it claims is a hypersonic missile capable of maneuvering at high speeds to evade air defense systems.

Read more: The Times of Israel

In The News

IDF: Hostage was killed in Shifa; clip shows Hamas take 2 other hostages there on Oct 7

The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday released surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center in Gaza City, and accused the Palestinian terror organization of murdering a kidnapped Israeli soldier there.

Read more: The…

In The News

Netanyahu slams ‘preposterous’ PA for denying Oct. 7 massacre

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Palestinian Authority on Sunday for claiming Hamas didn’t carry out a massacre of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 and instead blaming Israel.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre

Slightly more than three in four Palestinians have a positive view of Hamas in the wake of its Oct. 7 slaughter in Israel, according to a survey by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) research firm.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate