In The News

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Fiery skirmishes reported in East Jerusalem as Rosh Hashanah starts

Violence broke out between Israeli security forces and Palestinians in East Jerusalem on Sunday night, shortly after the start of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.

Rioters shot fireworks at Border Police in the Silwan neighborhood, the Kan public broadcaster reported.

Videos posted by Arabic media showed fires raging in the capital’s A-Tor…

In The News

3 Israelis injured in stabbing attack, terrorist killed

Three Israelis were mildly injured in a stabbing terror attack near the central Israeli city of Modi’in on Thursday night.

According to media reports, the attacker was a 22-year-old Palestinian from Ramallah who opened car doors and attempted to stab people with a knife. At least one person was stabbed before one of the passengers sprayed the…

EXCLUSIVE Israel to sell air defence system to United Arab Emirates, sources say

Israel has agreed to sell an advanced air defence system to the United Arab Emirates, two sources familiar with the matter said, in the first such known deal between them since they forged ties in 2020.
The deal reinforces how, for some Arab states, resolving the decades-long Israel-Palestinian conflict has now been overshadowed by national…

IDF on alert across West Bank; shots fired at settlement near Nablus for 2nd night

Shots were fired early Friday morning toward the West Bank settlement of Har Bracha near Nablus, for the second night in a row, the Israel Defense Forces said, as troops were put on high alert ahead of the upcoming Jewish holidays.

One of the bullets hit a bedroom window, according to the IDF and images from the scene.

An armed Palestinian…

In The News

Iranian IRGC Issues New Threat Against Protestors as Anti-Regime Demonstrations Intensify

Iran‘s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) called on the Islamic Republic’s judiciary on Thursday to prosecute “those who spread false news and rumors” about a young woman whose death in police custody has triggered nationwide protests.

Protesters in Tehran and other Iranian cities torched police stations and vehicles earlier on…

Shin Bet nabs Gaza-directed Hamas cell allegedly behind West Bank shooting attacks

Israeli security forces arrested an alleged Hamas terrorist cell responsible for a shooting attack on Israeli cars in the northern West Bank earlier this month, the Shin Bet security service revealed Friday.

In the attack during the pre-dawn hours of September 9, an Israeli man was lightly injured after shots were fired at his vehicle as he…

Israel’s amb. to UN walks out during Iran’s Raisi’s speech over Holocaust denial

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan walked out on Wednesday morning during the remarks made by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

He displayed a photograph of his grandmother on Israel’s table at the General Assembly, who had been a Holocaust survivor. This, just two days after Raisi said in a speech that further research is…

British PM tells Lapid she is reviewing relocation of UK embassy to Jerusalem

NEW YORK — British Prime Minister Liz Truss told Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Wednesday at the United Nations that she is reviewing a relocation of the country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

A spokeswoman for Downing Street told The Guardian that Truss told Lapid “about her review of the current location of the British Embassy in…

Palestinian driver smashes stolen car through Ben Gurion airport security barrier

A Palestinian driver rammed a stolen vehicle through a security barrier at the entrance to Israel’s main airport during the predawn hours of Thursday morning, causing no injuries.

The driver approached Ben Gurion International Airport outside Tel Aviv from Route 1.

Security personnel at the barrier fired a single bullet at the suspect, who…

Protests flare across Iran in violent unrest over woman’s death

DUBAI, Sept 20 (Reuters) – Protests raged for a fourth straight day across Iran on Tuesday and authorities said three people had been killed during unrest over the death of a young woman in police custody.
The death last week of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini who was arrested by morality police for “unsuitable attire” unleashed a flood of simmering…

Palestinian Authority, terror groups agree to end clashes sparked by Nablus arrests

Palestinian security forces and terrorists agreed to a truce on Wednesday to end violent clashes in the flashpoint West Bank city of Nablus, local officials said. The violence highlighted deep disenchantment with the internationally backed Palestinian leadership.

For now, the deal to end the clashes eases tensions in the area, which on Tuesday…

Navy tests new generation of anti-ship missiles as tensions with Hezbollah soar

The Israeli Navy conducted a successful test of the latest generation of anti-ship missiles last month, the military and Defense Ministry announced Wednesday.

The Gabriel V is the fifth generation of the anti-ship missile developed by the Israeli Aerospace Industries and the Defense Ministry’s research and development division, known by the…

Body of Palestinian suspected of killing elderly woman in terror attack found in Tel Aviv

The body of the Palestinian suspected of murdering an 84-year-old Israeli woman in a terror attack on Tuesday was discovered in the heart of Tel Aviv the next morning, the Israel Police said.

Initial indications were that the suspect, 28-year-old Mousa Sarsour, committed suicide by hanging.

According to a police statement, his body was found…

Iranian forces kill 5 protesters amid unrest over woman’s death — rights group

Iranian security forces killed five protesters on Monday, according to a rights group, amid widespread unrest over the death of a young woman who had been detained for violating the country’s conservative dress code.

The morality police detained the 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last Tuesday for not covering her hair with the Islamic headscarf, known…

IDF chief at Auschwitz: You need only to be human to understand the Nazi genocide

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi on Monday visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi death camp in Poland, where he warned that Iranian Holocaust denial is an “additional reminder that such people must not be allowed to possess any sort of capability to develop lethal weapons.”

Accompanied by a delegation of commanders and…

Lapid en route to UN: Israel has right to security, but desires peace

Israel has a right to security but desires peace, Prime Minister Yair Lapid said prior to departing early Tuesday morning for the United Nations, where he plans to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other world leaders.

“I am leaving tonight for a diplomatic visit that will include meetings with heads of state and Jewish…

US court awards $111 million to victims of Hezbollah rockets in 2006 war

A US court has ordered the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah to pay millions of dollars in damages to a group of joint Israeli-American citizens who sued, saying they were wounded by the group’s rockets during a war with Israel in 2006.

The case was brought under the US Anti-Terrorism Act and alleged that Hezbollah caused the plaintiffs physical…

Israel warns Jews at risk of being attacked by Iran and ISIS on overseas trips

The Counter-Terror Division of the Prime Minister’s Office issued a travel warning on Monday for the upcoming Jewish holidays for Israelis to be wary of potential terror attacks against them by Iran or ISIS.

The division has often warned in recent years of potential dangers from the Islamic Republic and jihadist groups, but this time it made…