In The News

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In The News

Gantz: Iran’s maritime activity in Red Sea is ‘most significant’ in a decade

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Tuesday revealed satellite images he said showed the “most significant” Iranian military maritime activity in the Red Sea in a decade.

“Iran is expanding its activities in the maritime arena. Over the last year, Iran has seized international tankers and attacked vessels. Today, we can confirm that Iran is…

PA leader Abbas meets with Hamas chief for first time in years

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh shook hands in Algeria on Tuesday, in the first documented meeting between the two leaders in six years.

Abbas and Haniyeh, along with other leaders from Africa and beyond, were hosted by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to mark 60 years of his country’s…

In The News

‘UN must take action over Hezbollah posts along Israel-Lebanon border’

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan on Tuesday demanded that the UN take action against Hezbollah over posts it recently erected along the Israel-Lebanon border under the guise of an environmental organization.

The Iranian-backed Shiite terrorist group has set up 18 observation posts along Israel’s northern frontier, which are…

Lessons of Ben & Jerry’s: Boycotting Israel isn’t low-risk – opinion

This past week the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s, Unilever, made a major announcement effectively nullifying the 2021 decision by the board of Ben & Jerry’s to boycott Israel (and Palestinians) in the West Bank. But while this was absolutely the right economic and moral decision by Unilever, and really should have happened much sooner,…

Israel, Boeing sign deal to defend aircraft industry from cyberattacks

US defense giant Boeing and Israel have signed a deal to cooperate on a wide basis for providing security to the aircraft industry from cyberattacks.

“The civilian aircraft sector could be characterized by its many technological developments which create new complexities and cyber challenges,” Boeing and the Israel National Cyber Directorate…

Israeli light rail company hit in cyberattack amid Iranian reports of ‘metro hack’

The company building the light rail network for the Tel Aviv area said Monday that its website was temporarily disrupted by a foreign cyberattack, as Iranian media reported that pro-regime hackers managed to infiltrate the servers of the “Israel Metro.”

Israel’s NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd said in a statement that “a glitch was…

Israel shoots down Hezbollah drones over Mediterranean

The Israeli military on Saturday said it shot down three unmanned aircraft launched by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah heading toward an area where an Israeli gas platform was recently installed in the Mediterranean Sea.

The launch of the aircraft appeared to be an attempt by Hezbollah to influence U.S.-brokered negotiations between…

Operation Tzur Israel: 150 Ethiopian immigrants arrive in Israel

One hundred and fifty new immigrants from Ethiopia landed at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday as part of Operation Tzur Israel, in cooperation with the Aliyah and Integration Ministry, the Interior Ministry, the Jewish Agency and the Fellowship.

Molokan (55) and Estabel (50), who landed with the special flight, waited in Gondar to immigrate to…

In The News

Man stabbed near Givat Shmuel in suspected terror attack

A 47-year-old man was stabbed near a pedestrian bridge on Highway 4 in Givat Shmuel early Tuesday morning, Israel Police announced. He was evacuated to a nearby hospital in moderate condition with a head injury. The assailant has not been identified or caught yet.

The circumstances of the incident are being investigated. Initial Palestinian and…

Will the Iranian nuclear talks ever end?

Since April 2021, Iran and the US have been in a staring contest to see who would blink first and re-enter the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal on more favorable terms to the other side.

Three weeks ago, it seemed there was finally a clear answer and this past weekend it seemed like there was finally an equally certain, though polar opposite, answer.

Hamas reconciliation with Syria ‘source of concern’ for Israel

A recent report that Hamas and Syria have reestablished relations after a decade of rupture between them is a source of concern for Israel, Michael Barak, a senior researcher at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, told Jewish News Syndicate.

The Palestinian terrorist group has “decided to restore ties with Syria 10 years after its…

Yair Lapid takes over as Israel’s 14th prime minister

Yair Lapid officially became prime minister at the stroke of midnight between Thursday and Friday, taking office as the 14th premier in Israel’s history.

Lapid’s term leading the country could be a fairly short one, as he takes over a caretaker government ahead of national elections on November 1. But the new prime minister appeared ready to…

Anti-Israel activist charged with hate crime for assault of NYC Jewish man

The US Department of Justice has charged an anti-Israel activist who assaulted a Jewish man in April with a hate crime, the victim’s lawyer confirmed to The Jerusalem Post.

Matt Greenman was attacked on April 20 at a New York City anti-Israel rally that he was counter-protesting, he previously told The Post. Greenman was wearing an Israeli flag…

How Financial Giant Morningstar Blacklists Companies That Help Israel Stop Terrorism

A prominent financial services firm promotes divestment from companies that help the Israeli government combat Palestinian suicide bombers, according to an independent investigation conducted by a Washington, D.C. think tank.

Morningstar Inc., a financial research firm that advises investors, is accused in a new report from the Foundation for…

Is Iran worried about an ‘Arab-Israel’ defensive alliance? – analysis

Recent reports have indicated that Israel and several Arab states are growing closer in terms of defense ties. A report at The Wall Street Journal claimed that Israel and “Arab military chiefs” held a “secret” meeting relating to air defense and the Iranian threat.

Now Iran’s Fars News, which is considered to reflect the views of the government…

Facing Illinois blacklist, Morningstar commits to resolving anti-Israel biases

Morningstar, Inc., the Chicago-based financial services firm that came under fire earlier this month for providing analytical tools that were found to have a bias against Israel, committed to addressing concerns that the company harbors anti-Israel attitudes at an Illinois investing board meeting last week, according to two individuals present.

House panel calls for $4 million funding boost for Holocaust survivor aid

The House Appropriations Committee’s subcommittee on labor, health and human services, and education reiterated its call for a significant funding boost directed toward supporting Holocaust survivors in its draft 2023 funding bill.

The committee proposed $10 million for the Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program, which provides support…

US Presbyterian Church: Israel is apartheid state, creates Nakba Remembrance Day

The US Presbyterian Church voted to declare Israel an apartheid state and establish a Nakba Remembrance Day, as well as passing two other resolutions highly critical of Israel on Tuesday at the American religious body’s 225th General Assembly.

The US Presbyterian Church’s International Engagement committee voted overwhelmingly to recognize that…