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In The News

PA presents reform plan calling to increase anti-Israel incitement

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh presented a “Reforms Proposal” to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee’s (AHLC) biannual session last week in Brussels. The 40-page plan, a copy of which was obtained by Israel Hayom, outlines comprehensive reforms in various areas—but does not include a plan to reduce anti-Israel incitement.

In The News

Police arrest Palestinian with an axe, suicide note in Samaria

A 22-year-old resident of Al-Bireh was arrested on Sunday night after police found an axe in his vehicle, along with a suicide note stating his intention of carrying out a terror attack, police said in a statement.

The suspect had been pulled over at Tapuah Junction, just east of Ariel in Judea and Samaria, during a police patrol to “prevent…

In The News

Police commando killed in fierce gunfights with Palestinians in Jenin area

A police commando who was seriously wounded amid fierce exchanges of fire between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen in the northern West Bank on Friday morning has died of his wounds, police said

The officer was named as 47-year-old Sgt. Maj. Noam Raz, a 23-year veteran of the elite Yamam counterterror unit.

Raz “fell this morning during…

In The News

Alma Center says Moscow ‘likely turned blind eye to transfer of Russian weapons to Hezbollah’

Russia has likely turned a blind eye to Syrian and Iranian transfers of Russian-made weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon, a new report by an Israeli defense research center has assessed.

Maj. (res.) Tal Be’eri, head of the research department at the Alma Center, which published the report, told JNS on Tuesday that although both Russia and Israel…

In The News

IAEA head says Iran won’t disclose nuclear activity at undeclared sites

Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi said Iran was not cooperating fully regarding uranium particles found at older, undeclared sites.

“I am not trying to pass an alarmist message that we are at a dead-end, but the situation does not look very good. Iran has not been forthcoming in the type of information we need…

In The News

UAE ruler Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan dies at 73

The United Arab Emirates’ President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan died aged 73 on Friday, state media said, after battling illness for several years.

Sheikh Khalifa’s rule since 2004 saw his country’s meteoric rise on the international scene.

“The Ministry of Presidential Affairs condoles the people of the UAE and the Islamic world… on…

In The News

Journalist’s death will become excuse for terror attacks on Israel

The killing of veteran Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh during a firefight between IDF soldiers and Palestinians in Jenin is a tragedy.

Journalists doing their job should be protected, even in the most dangerous situations. The death of the 51-year-old, whose face is familiar to millions of viewers around the Arabic world, is a tragedy, as…

In The News

IDF arrests 2 more Palestinians for allegedly aiding suspects in Elad terror attack

Security forces arrested two more Palestinians for allegedly aiding the two suspects accused of a deadly terror attack in the central city of Elad last week, the military said Thursday.

The Israel Defense Forces said troops arrested the two in predawn raids in the West Bank towns of Rummanah and Burqin, near Jenin.

The two Palestinians…

In The News

First-ever Ecuadorian presidential visit to Israel brings giant delegation, determination to improve ties

Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso kicked off an official state visit to Israel on Wednesday, the first-ever by an Ecuadorian president to Israel. Accompanying Lasso is a 100-person delegation with the mission of strengthening bilateral ties, specifically in the fields of security and technology. During the trip, Ecuador will inaugurate an…

In The News

Israeli drone-maker to supply advanced systems to US Department of Defense

Israeli company Xtend, which specializes in human-guided autonomous drones for use by militaries and law enforcement, announced on Tuesday that it will supply hundreds of its Wolverine systems to the U.S. Department of Defense.

The drones were developed under the joint leadership of the DoD and Israel’s Ministry of Defense, and are designed to…

In The News

Gantz: Preliminary investigation indicates Al Jazeera journalist wasn’t killed by IDF fire

Israel’s defense minister said on Wednesday that preliminary findings from the military’s investigation into the shooting death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in Jenin earlier in the day indicate that she was not killed by Israeli forces.

Addressing the Knesset, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that “on the other hand, we have seen…

In The News

Lufthansa apologizes after report all visibly Jewish passengers barred from flight

Lufthansa issued on Tuesday an apology after Orthodox Jews complained that all visibly Jewish passengers were thrown off the flight because one group didn’t follow the German carrier’s masking rules.

In a video from the incident, a Lufthansa supervisor could be heard saying “everyone has to pay for a couple” and that “it’s Jews coming from JFK….

Israel said to strike Syrian Golan in missile attack; damage reported

A site in southern Syria was damaged in an Israeli missile attack in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday, Syrian state media reported.

The attack targeted an area near the town of Hader, north of Quneitra in the Syrian Golan Heights, just across the border from Israel, according to the state-run SANA news agency.

There were no reports of…

Israel’s Watergen provides ‘water-from-air’ units to medical facility in Syria

Israeli water-from-air tech company Watergen has installed one of its water generators at a medical facility in the Syrian province of Raqqa, the former headquarters of terror organization IS, and is set to deliver nine more by the end of 2022, the company told The Times of Israel Tuesday.

The provision of the units is arranged through the…

Israel says it foiled Hamas attempt to smuggle arms production parts via sea

Israeli security forces thwarted an attempt to smuggle weapon production materials from the Sinai Peninsula through the Mediterranean Sea to the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip several weeks ago, the military said Wednesday.

Three Palestinians, including one previously jailed in Israel for similar offenses, were arrested when Israeli…

Herzl’s original Altneuland manuscript to go on display in Jerusalem

To mark 120 years to the publication of Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl’s novel Altneuland, the World Zionist Organization’s Herzl Center in Jerusalem is putting the work’s original manuscript on display.

The novel, the title of which translates to “The Old New Land,” is a depiction of the Jewish state to be established following the…

Amid Terror Wave, IDF Kicks Off Large-Scale Drill to Simulate Multifront War

The Israel Defense Forces on Monday embarked on a monthlong, large-scale military exercise to train against a multifront war against Israel’s enemies, as security forces continued to confront a string of violent terror attacks.

The training, dubbed “Chariots of Fire,” will simulate multi-front and multi-arm combat scenarios in the air, at sea,…

Passengers say Lufthansa threw all visible Jews off NYC-Budapest flight

A group of Orthodox Jews are demanding an apology from Lufthansa airlines after they were expelled from a flight from New York to Budapest last Tuesday.

The travelers say all of the identifiably Orthodox Jews were prevented from boarding a connecting flight in Frankfurt, Germany, because a group of passengers had allegedly not complied with the…