Event Recaps

CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events every year. Attending local CUFI events will equip you with the facts necessary to defend and support Israel. We hold pro-Israel events across the country almost every day of the month.

Event Recaps

May 14 – Never Again Webinar

CUFI’s Sandy Parker Hagee, a major force behind CUFI’s documentary “Never Again”, moderated a special discussion with Holocaust Survivor Irving Roth, and former radicalized anti-Semite Kasim Hafeez. The interview covered their personal journeys, how they were brought to work together with CUFI, and their experiences making CUFI’s movie Never Again.

Event Recaps

May 6 – Never Again Webinar – CUFI on Campus

Over 300 students from two Christian schools attended a live CUFI Never Again webinar, a discussion with a Survivor. This webinar featured a live discussion with Irving Roth and Kasim Hafeez about the making of CUFI’s movie Never Again, and their life journeys.

The school principals served as panelists and moderated questions from their…

Event Recaps

April 30 – Why Israel?

2020 Diversity Asian Pastors Israel Mission Alumni Pastor Rolly Aquino, Pastor Lorenzo Mapa, Pastor Don Austria, Pastor Neil Malakas, and Pastor Fred Virtucio all combined for an online event. Were joined by other pastors church members from across the country. Shared the entire Why Israel presentation, and invited everyone to the Virtual Summit.

Event Recaps

April 27 – Why Israel?

2020 Diversity Asian Pastors Israel Mission Alumni Pastor Jon Mejica, Pastor Ray Anne, Pastor Arnell Aquino all combined for an online event. Were joined by other pastors church members from across the country. Shared the entire Why Israel presentation, and invited everyone to the Virtual Summit.

Event Recaps

Feb 2 – Baker City, OR – Why Israel

Pastor Brad Phillips hosted a CUFI Why Israel event at Harvest Church in East Oregon’s Baker City. The event drew about a hundred attendees including several other pastors from the tight knit rural town. The audience included the church’s Youth Group and teachers from the church’s k-12 school. A love offering was received for CUFI on Campus.

Mar 11 – Ada, OK – CUFI on Campus

Accompanied CUFI On Campus Midwest Region Field Coordinator, Cherith Runyon, Dumisani lectured on Dr. King’s pro-Israel legacy, Palestinian Human Rights, and the Africa-Israel relationship.  This event was held at East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma.  In attendance were members of the Association of Black Students.

Mar 9 – Des Moines, IA – Pastors Meeting

Rev. Cornelius Martor is a referral by CUFI’s African Outreach Coordinator, Dr. Francis Tabla. Rev. Martor has not traveled to Israel, nor had he hosted an CUFI event until the Why Israel event the night before. Many of the area pastors who had attended the Why Israel event were also at the Pastors Breakfast. We discussed the historic…

Mar 8 – Hiawassee, GA – Why Israel?

Pastor Ryan and Bishop William combined their churches for a Sunday night Why Israel event that ended with 7-college students turning in their information to be part of the CUFI on Campus program for our June DC Summit!  The pastors also announced a plan to fill a 50-passenger bus to join them at the CUFI DC Summit on June 28-30, 2020.

Mar 8 – Des Moines, IA – Why Israel?

Rev. Cornelius Martor is a referral by CUFI’s African Outreach Coordinator, Dr. Francis Tabla. Rev. Martor has not traveled to Israel, nor had he hosted an CUFI event until this one. However, he and his staff were able to gather 13 area pastors to attend. There is great enthusiasm for Israel and CUFI among the African Christians in Des Moines….

Mar 1 – Milford, DE – Why Israel?

In preparation for the June CUFI DC Summit, Pastor Andy Stephens invited CUFI to once again bring a message on the importance of standing with Israel – with ACTION! It was a packed out house, with an amazing team that and had their DC Summit Sign-Up Table hosted by City Directors and Congressional Liaisons, Bruce and Beverly Cottle. It was…

Event Recaps

Mar 1 – Houston, TX – Bilingual Why Israel?

On Sunday, March 1st, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesús, and his wife, Rev. Mildred De Jesús, conducted a bilingual Why Israel event in Houston, Texas. This event was hosted by Pastor Joaquin Alfaro, of El Tabernaculo Church, who went on our Latino Pastors Israel Tour last November. As a result of the great…

Pastors & Ministry Leaders Luncheon June 13 – Zaraphath, NJ

February 27 – Ooltewah, TN – Pastors Lunch

February 26 – San Benito, TX – Pastor’s Lunch

February 26 – Baytown, TX – Why Israel?

February 23 – West Palm Beach, FL – Why Israel?

February 21 – Phoenix, AZ – Why Israel?

February 17 – El Centro, CA – Why Israel?