Event Recaps

CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events every year. Attending local CUFI events will equip you with the facts necessary to defend and support Israel. We hold pro-Israel events across the country almost every day of the month.

February 12 – Pastors’ Meeting – Mint Hill, NC

The event was hosted by Pastor Thang Khup who previously attended our CUFI Pastors event in Kentucky. The pastors who attended are from Myanmar, formerly called Burma, and they are ministering to a large Burmese community in NC.  They said that the presentation helped them understand the importance of why pastors should support Israel and the…

February 12 – Why Israel? & Pastors’ Lunch – Milwaukee, WI

Pastor McMurtry hit the ball out of the park today during our Pastor’s Lunch in Milwaukee. He did such a thorough job giving the pastors that showed up today a solid 30,000 foot view of why Christians should be supporting Israel and really dove into the relationship between the African American community and the Jewish community. Not only did I…

January 24 – Pastors’ Meeting – Foley, AL

Congressional Liaison GiGi McBride (AL-01) hosted local pastors at the Wolf Bay Restaurant in Foley, Alabama on Monday, January 24th. The Why Israel message was extremely well received, and the whole room asked several questions after the presentation. Out of the group, there were two potential opportunities for The Israel Course to be plugged in….

Event Recaps

January 12 – Why Israel – Deming, NM

We did a “Why Israel” event in Deming, NM. The pastor, his staff, and the congregation were most gracious and welcoming. Being that it also was their youth night they brought their youth to the event.  Once again, Cherith Runyon hit the mark regarding her presentation of CUFI ON CAMPUS.  So grateful she was able to attend and speak.  We had a…

Event Recaps

January 12 – Why Israel – Dadeville, AL

This Why Israel event on the Wednesday night of the church was extremely well received. The church is now considering making the Israel Course a part of their  church curriculum. Several signed up to be new members, a few are considering attending the Summit in DC.

Event Recaps

January 11 – Pastors’ Meeting – Jackson’s Gap, AL

We held the second of two (2) Pastor’s Meetings in the evening of January 11th for the Tallapoosa Baptist Association. This meeting was open to the bi-vocational pastors in the area. This evening session had 15 in attendance, including our CLs for the District, Jim and Jane Ferguson. This second meeting of the day was equally well received as the…

January 11 – Pastors’ Meeting – Jackson’s Gap, AL

We held the first of two Pastor’s Meetings on January 11th for the Tallapoosa Baptist Association. This morning session had 13 in attendance, including our Congressional Liaison for the District, Jim Ferguson. The Why Israel message was very well received, even bringing to tears one of the local pastors. He raised his hand in the middle of the…

January 9 – Why Israel – San Diego, CA

Pastor Pete Elefante of Agape International Ministries Home Church Network hosted a special CUFI presentation on Israeli innovation and humanitarian aid. Five international churches that minister to Filipino laborers in the Philippines, South Korea, Dubai, and Israel drew over eighty attendees via zoom, and a dozen in person at the parent church…

January 9- Why Israel – El Cajon, CA

Pastor David Hazel hosted the first CUFI event at New Life Church of the Nazarene in El Cajon, California. CUFI’s ‘Why Israel’ Sunday service message was presented to about thirty in person attendees and over fifty viewing online. Several present signed the Israel pledge card to join CUFI, others gave financial gifts, and a number of college…

December 13 – Why Israel – Bradenton, FL

I was invited to do a Why Israel presentation at a Pastors and Leaders conference. The event was attended by more than 60 pastors and leaders from different states, as well as 2 pastors from South Korea. Most of the attendees were very interested in partnering with CUFI.  At this event, doors also opened for me to do Pastors meetings in Wisconsin…

December 4 – Pastors’ Meeting – Mesquite, TX

The event was hosted by Pastor Ren Finney who is a CUFI Israel trip alumni.  It was attended by  65 Indian American pastors.  Indian American churches are some of the fastest growing congregations in the nation.  Most of the pastors who attended the event have not heard of CUFI.  They told me that the presentation gave them a greater understanding…

November 21 – Why Israel – Long Pine, NE

The more I travel in Nebraska, the more I love Nebraska! North Platte is a wonderful with wonderful people. Tears were shed during the Why Israel presentation for the granddaughter of a Holocaust Survivor who attended. She said even though she had heard her grandmother’s stories, this presentation really brought a lot of clarity to her…

November 20 – Pastors’ Meeting – Clarendon, VT

Pastor William Kingsley is a CUFI Pastor’s Trip alumni who has been waiting for almost two years to be able to host a live event at his church. The Brick Church was founded in the early 1800’s and is a registered historic site. Pastors from a number of churches in Vermont who were not familiar with the work of CUFI were in attendance and were all…

November 10 – Why Israel – Shelbyville, TN

Pastor Jason Daughdrill of Gateway Church hosted CUFI for Wednesday Night Services where we shared the CUFI message. We had many in attendance become members of CUFI through a combination of signing the pledge cards and scanning the QR code from the screen. Pastor Jason Daughdrill is planning to be on the 2023 Israel Pastor’s Trip with CUFI.

November 9 – Pastors’ Meeting – Montgomery, AL

Dr. Willie Bradley (2019 Israel Trip Alumni) hosted pastors in the Montgomery, AL area to hear about the work of CUFI. This was an incredible open door to the area, and will reap many benefits for CUFI, as a 2022 Israel Trip Pastor was in attendance, as well as at least one 2023 Israel Trip Pastor. The Pastors were eager to learn and will have…

October 30 – Why Israel – Freeport, NY

Apostle Carlos Vega, is the founding pastor of the Freeport Bible Center church, and host of the Centro Biblico International Annual Conference where I was asked to bring the CUFI Why Israel message. The teaching was done through an interceptor for the bilingual audience gathered for the three-day conference. Repeatedly interrupted by applause in…

October 24 – Why Israel – Minneapolis, MN

Pastor Jerry Daidi hosted the first CUFI Why Israel event at Abundant Life Int’l Ministries in Minneapolis Minnesota. Field Coordinator Abel Taye presented CUFI’s Why Israel message to about 60 attendees from three area churches. The event included remarks by CUFI African Outreach Coordinator Dr. Francis Tabla, and CUFI State Director Deb…

October 21 – Why Israel – Brooklyn Center, MN

CUFI Field Coordinator Abel Taye presented CUFI’s Why Israel message to an audience of about 60 members of Ebenezer Community Church in Brooklyn Center MN. The event was hosted by CUFI’s African Outreach Coordinator Dr. Tabla. The evening included messages by Pastor Francis Tabla, CUFI State Director Pastor Deb Campbell, and CUFI Campus…