CUFI In The News

Successes in Washington, CUFI’s statements on breaking Israel-related news, and bold leadership in initiatives aimed at making Israel more secure and her people safer, have led established outlets to take notice of CUFI’s efforts and cover what we say and what we do.

With hundreds of mentions in the media, and the vast majority being positive or neutral, CUFI has solidified our place in the pro-Israel community’s tapestry and in the foreign policy arena.

These are selected articles and opinion pieces authored by or featuring CUFI.

Attack on IDF soldiers at Joseph’s Tomb violates Oslo Accords

A bomb attack at an entrance to Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) on Wednesday that injured four Israel Defense Forces soldiers violates the 1993 Oslo Accords, pro-Israel leaders said.

Read More: Jewish News Syndicate 

Iran threatens to retaliate against Israel after strike on Aleppo airport

Iran’s foreign minister warned Wednesday that Israel would eventually face retribution following an alleged airstrike on the international airport of the Syrian city of Aleppo, after over a decade of such attacks.

Read More: The Times of Israel

Israel warns citizens of possible abductions during the holiday season

Israel’s National Security Council on Thursday cautioned citizens to remain vigilant while traveling over the upcoming Jewish holiday period, citing the risk of attempts by Iranian-backed terrorists to carry out kidnappings in Israel and abroad.

Read More: Jewish News Syndicate

Four terrorist attacks in 24 hours: A timeline of August 2023

August 2023 has been a deadly month of terror attacks in Israel, and between August 5 to August 31, five people have been killed multiple more people have been wounded to varying degrees.

Read More: The Jerusalem Post

Israeli killed, six injured in terror attack near Modi’in

An off-duty Israeli soldier was killed and six other persons, including civilians, were wounded on Thursday morning when a Palestinian terrorist drove into them with a truck at the Maccabim Crossing along Route 443, close to the central city of Modi’in.

Read More: Jewish News Syndicate

Laser air defenses coming to Israeli border communities soon

Within approximately 18 months, Israel is expected to deploy the world’s first laser defense systems, on borders that have Iranian-backed terrorist armies on the other side.
Gaza, Lebanon and Syria all made good candidates for the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Iron Beam, which has been in development for nearly 20 years.
Read More: Jewish News...

President Herzog departs for the US, will commemorate Israel’s 75th anniversary

President Isaac Herzog set off on a diplomatic visit to the United States late Monday night to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the State of Israel. As a highlight of his visit, Herzog will address both houses of the American Congress, which will convene in a special session dedicated to honoring this significant milestone.

Read More: The...

F-35s, F-16s, more ships: The US keeps bolstering Middle East military – analysis

Days after US officials said that the US would send F-16s to the region, and the guided-missile destroyer USS Thomas Hudner, more reports emerged on Tuesday of the US sending warplanes to the region. This appears to be an increasing crescendo of messaging designed to deter Iran and Russia.

Read More: The Jerusalem Post


The Truth Isn’t Enough; We Have To act


Jew-hatred in America is something that most Americans would rather not think about because of how it reflects on who we are, what we believe, and where we are headed as a nation. But being blind, deaf, and silent isn’t working. On our watches, America became a place where Jews are attacked inside restaurants, sent running from an...

Pastor John Hagee: Begin was ‘heroic’ to bomb Iraqi reactor, Iran ‘even more dangerous’


One of America’s most powerful Christian supporters of Israel sees clear similarities between Iran’s race towards nuclear weapons and a daring Israeli strike on an Iraqi nuclear reactor back in 1981.

In a wide-ranging interview, Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and his own John Hagee...

‘It began with words’


The horrors of Nazi concentration camps did not materialize from thin air. Neither did the shootings in Poway, Calif., or Pittsburgh, Pa.; nor did the hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas. As the late Holocaust survivor and educator Irving Roth often said: “It began with words.”

We must heed that warning now—here in the heartland...

Ten US states move to recognize Holocaust Remembrance Day, adopt IHRA definition of anti-Semitism


In recent weeks, 10 states have advanced a proclamation or executive orders acknowledging International Holocaust Remembrance Day with each proclamation officially recognizing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism.

The states that have already issued proclamations include...

Stop making murder profitable


He survived multiple tours of duty in hostile nations, only to be killed on the streets of our greatest ally. Americans were shocked when Taylor Force, a U.S. Army veteran visiting Israel, was stabbed to death in Tel Aviv. His killing brought to the forefront of America’s conscience the inconvenient truth that U.S. tax dollars were...

Biden’s Approach to Turkey has Washington Treading Water | Opinion


Turkey's slide toward authoritarian rule, support for jihadists and warming relationship with Russia have been a source of bipartisan concern for the better part of the last decade. Under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has undermined its relationship with the U.S. and the strength of NATO, earned U.S....

Hamas just proved Gulf states were right to normalize with Israel

Weeks after the most significant Hamas-led terrorist attacks against Israel since 2014, the broader geopolitical landscape in the region puts Israel in the driver’s seat to seize greater opportunities to pressure terror groups.
The Abraham Accords not only heralded a new era of economic prosperity between the Jewish state and Gulf...

Hagee & Haley: Israel endures – here’s what we witnessed on the ground after Hamas’ rocket attacks

Some things are unforgettable. Like what we saw in Israel last week.
We were standing in a neighborhood, looking at the wreckage caused by the latest round of terrorist rockets. We were outside the home of a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor – at least, what was left of it. She wasn’t there, because she was in the hospital. She lost her...

New poll: Voters oppose Biden’s Iran strategy


As the Biden administration seeks to re-enter the failed 2015 Iran nuclear deal, a new survey from the nation’s largest pro-Israel group gives cause for pause.

In a survey of 800 people conducted between April 26 and April 29 by GS Strategy Group, 40% of respondents self-identified as Democrats, 34% as Republicans, and 20% as...

Thomas: It’s important for state leaders to stand with Israel


On May 20, news broke of a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel. Time will tell how long this cessation of violence lasts, but all people of conscience should welcome this news. In the days of the most recent round of conflict, U.S. support for Israel was integral to getting the situation to the point where Hamas’ rocket fire stopped....