In The News

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‘Arguments fall silent in cemeteries’: Herzog calls for unity in Memorial Day speech

Israel on Tuesday evening mourned the country’s fallen soldiers and terror victims as sirens sounded nationwide at 8 p.m. to mark the start of Memorial Day

The sirens brought Israel to a halt for a full minute, as people stood in somber silence on the streets, inside homes and on balconies. Traffic too came to an abrupt halt, as vehicle…

WZO chairman calls for Israel Memorial Day recognition for global victims of anti-Semitic terror

The chairman of the World Zionist Organization has sent Israel’s prime minister a letter requesting official Israeli Memorial Day recognition of the victims of anti-Semitic attacks outside the Jewish state, according to a statement from WZO.

Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism began on Tuesday and will end on…

Bennett: We will strike not only terrorists but those who send them

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett vowed on Wednesday to strike back not only at terrorists but at those who dispatch them, including those “a thousand kilometers east of here.”

In a thinly veiled warning to Iran, Bennett said in his Memorial Day speech at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem that those who send terrorists to attack Israel “have…

In The News

Senior Hamas leaders went to Moscow to speak with Russian officials – report

A delegation of senior Hamas leaders went to Moscow to meet with Russian officials, following clashes on the Temple Mount, to discuss what is happening in Jerusalem, the Hamas-affiliated Safa news agency reported on Wednesday morning.

The delegation is set to hold meetings with officials from Russia’s Foreign Ministry, including deputy foreign…

Israel remembers its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism

Israelis owe their fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism a commitment not to let disagreements and political debates tear them apart, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Tuesday at a ceremony marking the beginning of Remembrance Day.

“I cannot speak on behalf of the fallen, but I believe if they could, they would have told us: keep living…

Israeli cities join Tel Aviv in canceling Independence Day fireworks for PTSD veterans

A number of Israeli cities on Monday announced that they would cancel fireworks shows on the eve of Independence Day on Wednesday, a day after the Tel Aviv Municipality announced that it would take such a move to prevent suffering for military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to a report by Ynet, the Israeli…

‘Harvard Crimson’ editorial board declares support for BDS and ‘Free Palestine’

In an editorial last week, The Harvard Crimson announced its support for the BDS movement and a “free Palestine,” ending a 20-year legacy of opposition to boycotting Israel.

“In the past, our board was skeptical of the movement (if not, generally speaking, of its goals), arguing that BDS as a whole did not ‘get at the nuances and…

In change of policy, Hamas claims deadly attack that killed Israeli guard

Hamas claimed responsibility on Monday evening for a shooting that left an Israeli security guard dead at the entrance to the city of Ariel in Judea and Samaria last week. The terrorist group said the attack was retaliation for Israeli actions on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

It was the first time since 2018 that Hamas has claimed an attack…

Israel opens world’s most protected blood bank, rocket-proof and underground

The world’s most secure national blood bank opened in Israel on Monday, the most important parts shielded in an underground structure — from terrorism, chemical and biological attacks, and earthquakes.

Magen David Adom’s $135 million Marcus National Blood Services Center has taken four years and some 11,000 tons of steel to complete. The…

5-year-old Ukrainian girl receives lifesaving treatment in Israel

Five-year-old Karina Andreiko was not hurt in the war in Ukraine. In some ways, she was saved because of it.

Stressed by the long search for why her daughter was smaller than other kids — and by the war with Russia — Karina’s mother last month sought help from an Israeli field hospital about five kilometers (three miles) from the family’s home…

Iran is learning from Russia, North Korea nuclear threats – analysis

In recent weeks, Russia and North Korea have both mentioned the use of nuclear weapons in future conflicts. Russia has mentioned nuclear weapons several times in the context of the Ukraine crisis, each time rolling out this talking point and then trying to pretend that it is behaving responsibly.

In the West, the pro-Russia voices and the…

In The News

Ahead of Israel’s 74th birthday, immigration smashes 20-year record

Some 38,000 new immigrants will celebrate their first Independence Day as Israeli citizens this year, according to figures released by the Jewish Agency on Sunday. The figure marks a two-decade immigration record.

The data also shows that immigration was driven higher by the war in Ukraine, where the Jewish Agency, in cooperation with the…

In The News

Report: Mossad thwarts Iranian plot to kill Israeli diplomat in Istanbul

Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency has thwarted a plot to assassinate an Israeli diplomat in Istanbul, as well as a U.S. general in Germany and a Jewish journalist in France, Israeli media reported on Saturday.

Mansour Rassouli confessed to Israeli agents during an interrogation in his home in Iran that he had been tasked with the…

56 soldiers added to list of Israel’s fallen since last Memorial Day

Fifty-six soldiers were killed during their military service since Israel’s last Memorial Day, according to figures released by the Defense Ministry on Friday.

Another 84 disabled veterans died due to complications from injuries sustained during their service.

The numbers brought the total to 24,068 of those who have died during service to…

Officers seize 20 handguns from Palestinian gun smugglers in southern Israel

Police arrested two Palestinian men in southern Israel on Monday morning suspected of smuggling guns from Jordan, confiscating several handguns in the process.

According to police, the two Bethlehem residents in their 30s were caught near Tel Arad in southern Israel, and found to be in possession of 20 handguns.

Police said they suspected…

Palestinians, police clash at Temple Mount on final Friday of Ramadan

Fighting broke out between Palestinians and police on the Temple Mount early Friday morning, the last Friday of the Ramadan holy month, which has seen recurring clashes in recent weeks.

Palestinians at the contested Jerusalem holy site threw rocks and launched fireworks toward officers and the Western Wall, located beneath the mount, which…

In The News

Conference of Presidents applauds US states adopting definition of anti-Semitism

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations applauds the milestone reached on Thursday, Yom Hashoah, of half of the United States and the District of Columbia having adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism.

Alaska became the 25th state to adopt the IHRA…

In The News

After 2-year pandemic hiatus, thousands take part in Auschwitz March of the Living

Several thousand people took part Thursday in the 2022 March of the Living at the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland, in one of the world’s largest annual Holocaust commemoration events.

The march resumed with a smaller footprint this year after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in past years have numbered…