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In The News

Gaza rocket into Israel breaks 2-month lull, Israel responds

Palestinian militants fired a rocket into southern Israel early Saturday, shattering a two-month lull in violence at the Gaza-Israel border in contrast to soaring tensions in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli military said aerial defense systems intercepted the projectile, which activated warning sirens in the southern coastal city of…

In The News

Concerns rise for safety of Israeli tourists in UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt

There is an increasing concern in the Israeli security establishment regarding the safety of Israelis in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan and Egypt, as the Iranian threat to Israelis in Turkey refuses to ebb, Channel 13 News reported Sunday.

Citing unnamed Israeli security officials, the report said that while the threat to Israeli…

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Israel, Arkansas sign economic trade agreement

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced his state’s newly formed economic pact with Israel.

Officials from Arkansas and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding solidifying an agreement to promote a partnership in the areas of technology and research and development in business and education.

In a statement released on Tuesday,…

In The News

Iranian hack likely set off sirens in Jerusalem, Eilat, say cybersecurity experts

A suspected Iranian cyber attack likely set off rocket-warning sirens in the cities of Jerusalem and Eilat on Sunday, Israeli media reported on Monday.

Israeli cybersecurity authorities said the attack targeted municipal alert systems, but did not breach essential IDF infrastructure, according to Ynet.

Authorities “instructed local councils…

In The News

Biden administration slaps more sanctions on Iran after nuclear deal falters

The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and the U.S. State Department jointly announced new sanctions on a network of Iranian petrochemical producers and its international front companies in China and the United Arab Emirates on Thursday.

Triliance Petrochemical Co. and Petrochemical Commercial Co. were named in a news release as…

In The News

Iran said building vast new underground tunnels to hold nuclear enrichment facility

Iran is constructing a vast new network of tunnels at its Natanz nuclear site that could house a massive enrichment facility that would be impervious to bunker-busting bombs and cyberattacks, the New York Times reported Thursday.

The report said that the US and Israel had been monitoring construction at the site for several months, but had…

In The News

IDF girds for Hamas surprise attack with Gaza border calmest it has been in a decade

More than a year after the Israel Defense Forces fought an 11-day war against terrorists in the Gaza Strip, military officials on Thursday touted new defensive measures as key to maintaining one of the quietest periods in southern Israel in recent years, but warned that the Hamas terror group is working to circumvent them in a potential surprise…

In The News

Palestinian officials concerned over warming Israeli-Saudi ties

Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah are wary of warming ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, following various reports on recent developments in the diplomatic arena. The Palestinians, however, haven’t dared criticize the Saudi monarchy publicly, mainly so as not to raise the ire of officials in Riyadh and exacerbate their already fragile…

In The News

Explosions heard after IDF observation balloon falls over Gaza – report

An Israeli observation balloon fell over Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday afternoon, with Palestinian reports claiming that the IDF struck the area shortly afterwards. The IDF is investigating the incident.

The reports claimed that Palestinian terrorist groups were able to seize the balloon, with photos allegedly of the balloon…

In The News

Ex-IRGC commander claims Iran dealing constant confidential ‘blows’ to Israel

The former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps claimed Wednesday that Iran is dealing ongoing “blows” to the State of Israel.

“The Zionist regime and its officials know better what blows they have received from the Islamic Republic so far, some of which are even still in progress,” said Mohammad Ali Jafari in an interview with the…

In The News

Israel to allow 2,000 more Palestinian workers to enter from Gaza

Israel raised the quota of work permits for Gaza Palestinians to 14,000 on Thursday, expanding a policy that defense officials view as a means of maintaining quiet on the country’s southern front.

An additional 2,000 permits were added to the quota, according to Israel’s military liaison to the Palestinians, widely known by its acronym COGAT.

In The News

Class-action suit launched against Unilever over Ben & Jerry’s Israel boycott

A U.S. shareholder filed a class-action suit against Unilever Plc in New York federal court on Wednesday, claiming the British-based global consumer goods company concealed a boycott of Israel by its Ben & Jerry’s ice cream brand that shaved billions off its stock market value.

The suit, filed by The City of St. Clair Shores Police and Fire…

In The News

U.S.-led coalition says it detained senior ISIS leader in Syria

The U.S.-led coalition said it had detained a senior Islamic State group leader in Syria during an early-morning operation on Thursday.
The coalition conducts raids and strikes targeting members of the jihadist group, which has been waging insurgent attacks since its defeat on the battlefield three years ago.
“The detained individual was…

In The News

Israeli-based company seeks approval to ease US shortage of baby formula

An Israeli-based company hopes to fill the void as the baby-formula shortage in the United States continues with parents continuing to find store shelves bare, particularly for those seeking specialty formulas.

Three weeks ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued emergency guidance enabling the import of infant formulas produced…

In The News

21 countries defend Israel against UN Commission of Inquiry, scathing first report

While an official U.N. Commission of Inquiry seeks Israel’s diplomatic isolation, 21 nations came out in support of the Jewish state on Monday, expressing concern about the commission’s uncommonly broad mandate and the U.N. Human Rights Council’s irregular targeting of Israel.

In Geneva, the three members of a U.N. Commission of Inquiry—all of…

In The News

EU, Israel and Egypt sign deal to boost East Med gas exports to Europe

Israel and Egypt will aim to boost natural gas exports to Europe under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on Wednesday as the continent looks to replace Russian energy imports.
The framework deal signed with the European Union (EU) will be the first to allow “significant” exports of Israeli gas to Europe, Israel’s energy ministry said….

In The News

Report: Satellite images show Iran ‘readying for space launch’

Iran appears to be preparing for an unannounced space launch,  AP reported on Tuesday.

Satellite images show a rocket on a launch pad at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport in Semnan province in the north of the country, according to AP.

The images were provided by Maxar Technologies, a space technology company, and show “a rocket on a transporter,…

In The News

The UN continues Israel-bashing after Biden promised to stop it

When the Biden administration last year reversed its predecessor’s decision to abandon the UN Human Rights Council, Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged his team would use diplomatic engagement to stop its focus on delegitimizing Israel. That promise remains unfulfilled — and the administration stands on the verge of complicity in…