In The News

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In The News

Iranian teen girl beaten to death by police for tearing Khomeini’s photo – report

An Iranian girl in middle school was beaten to death after police officers found a torn-up photo of former Iranian Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini in one of her schoolbooks, local news outlet in the Sistan and Baluchestan Province Haalvsh reported on Sunday night.

The girl, identified as Parmis Hamnava, was at her school in Iranshahr in the…

In The News

Iran to send hundreds of combat drones to Russia in November -Ukraine intel

Iran is set to send over 200 combat drones to Russia in the beginning of November, the Ukrainian Intelligence Directorate warned on Tuesday.

The shipment would include Shahed-136 and Arash-2 suicide drones and Mohajer-6 reconnaissance drones. Ukrainian intelligence first claimed last Monday that the Arash-2 would be added to Russian…

In The News

Saudi Arabia shares intel with US on ‘imminent’ Iranian attack

Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the United States indicating that Iran is planning an “imminent” attack on the kingdom, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday.

The U.S. National Security Council said in a statement on Tuesday that the United States was “concerned about the threat picture” and was in “constant contact” with the…

In The News

Iran plans public trials of 1,000 protesters in Tehran for ‘subversive actions’

Iranian authorities announced on Monday they will hold public trials for 1,000 people in the capital, Tehran, over the protests that have convulsed the country. The mass indictments mark the government’s first major legal action aimed at quashing dissent since unrest erupted over six weeks ago.

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency quoted judicial…

Antisemitism In The News

Florida and Georgia condemn antisemitic message projected onto TIAA Bank Field exterior after game

Florida and Georgia issued a joint statement on Sunday morning condemning an antisemitic message that was projected onto the exterior of TIAA Bank Field after the Bulldogs’ 42-20 win over the Gators.

The message positively referenced Kanye West’s antisemitic remarks earlier this month. The statement from the school not only denounced what was…

Antisemitism In The News

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving defends his tweet about a documentary deemed antisemitic and stands by sharing a video by Alex Jones

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving said that he is “not going to stand down on anything I believe in” after he was condemned by the owner of his NBA team for tweeting a link to a documentary deemed to be antisemitic.
The star guard tweeted a link Thursday to the 2018 movie “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America,” which is based on Ronald…

In The News

Operation Break the Wave: Eight people arrested in the West Bank

IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police arrested eight wanted individuals between Sunday night and Monday morning in the West Bank.

Two were arrested in Jenin by the IDF on suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities. During the operation, Israeli forces fired at armed men who shot at them.

Another three were arrested in the Yehuda regional…

In The News

Is Turkey backing a former al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria?

Recent developments in northwest Syria have showcased the ambiguous relations between the Turkish authorities and one of Syria’s largest Sunni jihadi groups. Syria observers have long noted the tacit cooperation between Ankara and the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group (HTS; formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra and formerly the official franchise of the al…

In The News

BigLaw’s Jewish Problem

The Jewish community has finally awakened to antisemitism on the college campus and in the streets — only to find it seeping into the corporate boardroom and, more recently, BigLaw.

Last week, White & Case LLP, a major international law firm, confirmed sponsoring a controversial conference on “Racism and the Crime of Apartheid in…

In The News

Range of UN states come to Israel’s defense in face of latest Commission of Inquiry report

A number of United Nations member states came to Israel’s defense on Thursday as a controversial U.N. Commission of Inquiry presented its second report to the body.

Several states condemned the commission, mandated to investigate any and all aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since its roots, for both its bias and an anti-Semitic…

In The News

After Israeli raid, at least 4 Lion’s Den members turn themselves into PA custody

At least four members of a Nablus-based loosely organized terror group known as Lion’s Den turned themselves in to the Palestinian Authority security services late Wednesday.

Local Palestinian media reports said that among the four operatives who surrendered to the PA was Mahmoud al-Bana, a prominent member who was wounded in an Israeli raid…

In The News

Biden and Israel’s Herzog discuss Iran’s nuclear program

President Joe Biden and Israeli President Isaac Herzog held talks on Wednesday focused heavily on Iran, with the two leaders discussing Tehran’s nuclear program and what Washington says is the supply of Iranian weapons to Russia.
Speaking to reporters as they sat down in the Oval Office, Herzog said he and Biden would attend the COP27 U.N….

Antisemitism In The News

Chief rabbi of Russia calls on Moscow to denounce official’s ‘vulgar’ anti-Semitism

Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar on Wednesday called on Moscow to denounce a top official’s “vulgar” anti-Semitism, saying it posed a “huge danger” to the Jewish community in the country.

The call to condemn Alexei Pavlov, assistant secretary of Russia’s Security Council, came in response to an article (Russian) he wrote claiming that…

In The News

Report: Israel warns Syria it will ramp up strikes over Iran weapons transfers

Israel has threatened Syria it will ramp up airstrikes in the country over its cooperation with Iran in smuggling arms to the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, according to a Thursday report, which came following three attacks in Syria attributed to Israel within days.

The Saudi-funded Al-Arabiya, citing unidentified sources, said Iran has been…

In The News

US sanctions, designates 14 Iranian entities and officials for role in cracking down on protests

The U.S. on Wednesday announced sanctions and other designations on 14 Iranian entities and officials, in an effort to hold Iran accountable for its crackdown on the ongoing protests against the regime nationwide.

Marking 40 days since the death of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini, who was arrested Sept. 13 by the “morality police” in…

In The News

IDF to deploy all-female tank crews after two-year trial deemed a success

The Israel Defense Forces on Thursday declared the success of a two-year pilot program for a company of all-women tank operators, and said the role would become permanent in the military.

The company, in the Caracal mixed-gender light infantry battalion, operates along the Egyptian border — not in wars or in fighting deep behind enemy lines.

In The News

IDF arrests 3 Lion’s Den members, 15 more Palestinian suspects in overnight raids

Israeli troops operated extensively throughout the West Bank in the predawn hours of Wednesday morning, arresting 18 wanted Palestinians including three members of the Lion’s Den terror group, the military said.

The Israel Defense Forces launched major arrest operations after a series of Palestinian attacks that killed 19 people earlier this…

In The News

Iranian security forces shoot at people gathered at Amini’s grave – witness

Iranian security forces opened fire at people who gathered at a cemetery in Mahsa Amini’s home town of Saqez on Wednesday to mark 40 days since she died in police custody, a witness told Reuters.
“The riot police shot mourners who gathered at the cemetery for Mahsa’s memorial ceremony … dozens have been arrested,” the witness said….