Event Recaps

CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events every year. Attending local CUFI events will equip you with the facts necessary to defend and support Israel. We hold pro-Israel events across the country almost every day of the month.

June 13 – Why Israel – Hancock, ME

Pastor Mike Cox has been waiting for over a year to have CUFI come to his church and present our Why Israel message to the congregation. He hosted a LIVE Webinar during the COVID lockdown – but it was not the same as having a Sunday morning service with everyone in the room! While picking up the CUFI membership cards Pastor Cox exclaimed “I think…

June 13 – Why Israel – Dumfries, VA

The Host Pastor, Don Austria, was on the CUFI Pastors Tour to Israel last year.  He has been teaching his congregation to love Israel and pray for the Jewish people since he came back from the CUFI tour.  Many of his church members said  that after the Why Israel presentation, they now understand why their pastor is so passionate about Israel and…

June 13 – Why Israel – Augusta, ME

Pastor Ricky Stoops was delighted in the Sunday night turn out of his congregation for the special CUFI Why Israel event – and noted that it was one of the biggest gatherings since gradual COVID restrictions has been lifted. (We actually ran out of materials and the two men in the sound booth proudly showed me that they had gone online and became…

May 24 – Pastors’ Meeting – Rochester, NY

The gathering at one of our most faithful churches for many years brought together many of the pastors who have been keeping the flames burning in the pro-Israel community in NY for many years. A number of pastors signed up for my next The CUFI Israel Course LIVE Webinar as well as becoming members of CUFI. Rabbi Avi Kilimnick, a leader in the…

May 2021 – CUFI Español

During the month of May, our Dallas, Texas based CUFI Field Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus and our San Antonio District Director Pastor Daniel Gonzalez of Cornerstone Iglesia conducted four weekly CUFI Spanish Facebook and Radio programs with the La Nuestra 1130AM Radio Station based in San Antonio, TX. Our 27-minute programs were aired LIVE…

May 27 – Pastors’ Meeting – Houston, TX

The event was hosted by Pastor Gordon Apura and was attended by Filipino American pastors. It is the first time for all the Pastors to attend a CUFI event. After the presentation, many wanted to get more acquainted with the work of CUFI.  They said the information presented was new to them and very moving.  They now understand that standing with…

May 26 – Why Israel – Houston, TX

Pastor Thom Luu joined our CUFI Asian Pastors tour last year.  He belongs to a large national church network. He said what is missing with their organization is a strong teaching on Why Christians should stand with Israel and the Jewish people. The event was attended mostly by Vietnamese Americans who strongly relate to the persecution that Israel…

May 23 – CUFI Sunday – Rochester, NY

The Sunday Why Israel/CUFI Israel Course message caused the lead pastors of the church to both stand up and state how they were signing up for the next CUFI Israel Course Webinar and encourage the congregation to do the same. Over 30 families did so with many of them also becoming CUFI members. Immediately following the Sunday morning message we…

May 20 – Why Israel – Medford, OR

CUFI Israel Trip alumna Pastor Steve Schmelzer hosted CUFI’s first meeting in Medford, OR, but Pastor Steve insisted there will be more in the future. The audience of seventy plus included about a dozen interns from the Bible College run at Joy Church, all of whom enthusiastically embraced connecting with CUFI On Campus.

Pastor Steve has…

May 18 – Why Israel – Springfield, OR

About forty people gathered for CUFI’s Why Israel message at Crossfire Ministries in Springfield OR. Attendees eager to understand what triggered the latest surge in the conflict took over an hour for Q & A after the presentation was completed. Event hosts, Oregon State Directors Pastors Aaron and Kristy Taylor, received a generous offering…

May 16 – Why Israel – Laurel, MD

Pastor Neil Malakas hosted the Why Israel event for his congregation. It was the first in-person service they have held since the COVID-19 pandemic. The attendees enjoyed the presentation, many gained the desire to visit Israel and asked their pastor to organize a trip next year.  They also pledged to pray for the Jewish people.  They are planning…

May 15 – Pastor’s Meeting – Laurel, MD

The event was hosted by Pastor Neil Malakas, who was one the Asian American Pastors who joined our CUFI  Asian Pastors Trip in March 2020.  The Pastors were glad they attended the  Why Israel presentation and want to support CUFI.  They want to host another Pastors event and invite more pastors.  They said the information they heard opened their…

May 14 – Pastors’ Breakfast – Oak Hill, WV

Pastor Greg Hurley/Solid Rock Worship Center is a participant of the 2019 CUFI Pastor’s Trip and the West Virginia and Western Maryland UPCI District Superintendent. He was able to gather over 60 pastors for their first CUFI Breakfast at his church and many of them heard of our work for the first time. Several showed interest in participating in…

May 13 – Why Israel – Oak Hill, WV

Pastor Greg Hurley/Solid Rock Worship Center, Pastor Rob Holly, Voice of Pentecost, and Pastor Jacob Pac/United Pentecostal Church all participated in the 2019 CUFI Pastor’s Trip and were able to combine their influence and have CUFI participate in the first UPCI WV/Western Maryland District gathering in two years (due to COVID) West Virginia is…

May 5 – Why Israel – Waterville, ME

Pastor Mike Alix invited me to lead his Wednesday night Bible study to deliver the Why Israel? message. Even though the weather was poor, we were encouraged by the size of the crowd we gathered. He informed me that it was one of the larger groups he has gotten. His midweek study had taken a big dip in attendance due to the Covid pandemic but it…

April 2021 – CUFI Español

During the month of April, our Dallas, Texas Based CUFI Field Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus and our San Antonio District Director Pastor Daniel Gonzalez of Cornerstone Iglesia conducted four weekly CUFI Facebook and Radio Spanish programs with the La Nuestra 1130AM Radio Station based in San Antonio, TX. Our 27-minute programs were aired LIVE…

April 20 – Why Israel – Hood River, OR

CUFI offered its first event in Hood River Oregon, hosted by Israel trip alumni Pastor Fritz Stranz of Hood River Covenant Church. CUFI’s Why Israel presentation resonated with the audience of about 80-90, many of whom stayed later to ask questions and learn more about CUFI. A generous love offering was received for CUFI On Campus. Among the…

April 19 – Why Israel – Sumner, WA

A small live studio audience gathered for a CUFI Why Israel presentation hosted by CUFI Washington State Director Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries. The presentation was live streamed to the tens of thousands of El Shaddai members around the world. A financial gift was given for the work of CUFI On Campus, and El Shaddai requested to…