Will US anti-BDS laws cause financial meltdown for Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever?
The recent announcement that Ben & Jerry’s plans to end its sale of ice-cream in “occupied Palestinian territory,” primarily Judea and Samaria as well as eastern Jerusalem, has stirred a fierce reaction, including potential legal and financial repercussions for the ice-cream maker and its parent company Unilever.
Brooke Goldstein, executive director of the Lawfare Project and co-founder of the End Jew Hatred movement, told JNS that the sheer size of Unilever opens it up to possible significant financial penalties.
“By virtue of its wayward subsidiary, Unilever—a massive international conglomerate—risks potentially crushing financial consequences in terms of its ability to receive investments from, or do business with, the majority of U.S. states,” she said.
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