
UCLA guest lecturer compares Zionists to white supremacists

A guest lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles, last week labeled Zionists as white supremacists, reported Jewish Journal on Tuesday.

A Jewish student in the class, Shayna Lavi, recalled to the Journal that San Francisco State University Arab and Muslim ethnicities’ professor Rabab Abdulhadi, told the some 100 students in the mandatory anthropology lecture on May 14 that U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) “was attacked by AIPAC and all these pro-Israel organization because [Omar is] Muslim,” and that America and Israel have “shared values” of “killing people, colonialism and white supremacy.”

Abdulhadi has an extensive anti-Israel history that includes calling the presence of pro-Israel students on campus a “declaration of war” against Arabs and Muslims.

Lavi told Abdulhadi that she was “personally offended” that the professor “categorized pro-Israel students, Zionists and Jewish students as white supremacists.”

“Thank you. That’s your opinion but you’re wrong,” responded Abdulhadi. “I stand with Jews who do not support Israel and I hope that Jews will disalign themselves with white supremacy.”

Park dismissed a crying Lavi and instructed her to come to her office hours following the lecture without giving a formal apology.

Read More: Jewish News Syndicate