September 30 – Pastors’ Meeting – Kansas City, KS
Pastor Ruben Dyali hit the ground running as far as CUFI is concerned. He has been on fire spreading the word to get as many people in his city to hear about CUFI, and that was before he even held an event!
He brought together Hispanic pastors, Korean pastors, African American pastors, and nepali pastors just to hear about CUFI and Israel. The room was electric by the end and we spent hours sitting in church talking to people. I was able to get an interested HS student and I believe at least one or two college students who may decide to see what we are about. Pastor Rubin has already committed to coming to Israel, Summit, and hosting other events. He’s also opening up doors in Ohio where his brother is also a lead pastor of a good size church. There was also a church elder/college student visiting from Iowa that also showed an interest.