September 18 – Spanish Why Israel?
On Friday, September 18th, our CUFI Field Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus, conducted a Spanish “Why Israel” hybrid in-person and virtual event. This unique event was hosted by our Eugene, Oregon Congressional Liaison, Pastor Luis Vergara of Iglesia Centro de Fe, who went on our January 2020 CUFI Latino Israel Tour. Our event was attended in person by at least 80 people, and it was viewed on Facebook by at least 249 people in less than 3 days. During our presentation, the audience received our Spanish “Why Israel” presentation, along with an invitation for them to become new members of CUFI, access our free digital materials on our website, make plans to attend our 2021 Washington D.C. Summit, and donate to our Pro-Israel CUFI work. Overall, we had a very successful hybrid event, to say the least!