September 17 – Why Israel – Elyria, OH
This Why Israel event was hosted by Pr. Elijah Wren, who is originally from Liberia, currently pastors an American church. He loves Israel and been to Israel. He is also connected to the Jewish community in the city and there were Jewish people in the audience. They appreciated all what CUFI does for the Jewish people. One Jewish gentleman approached me after my presentation and said to me “You beautifully talked about my country. Thank you!” The gathering while small was a mix of Jewish, Ukrainians, Americans, and African. It was beautiful to watch all of them united for Israel. Love offering was collected for CUFI, and the pastor said he wants to share the remaining Why Israel booklets with his church this Sunday, add additional offering for CUFI and he will mail one check to CUFI. Pledge cards were also signed. The pastor also asked CUFI if he can host a NTHI next year at his church.