
PA said to offer $20 million in subsidies to East Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority has reportedly earmarked some $20 million to support East Jerusalem Palestinians in the wake of mass protests over Israeli security measures around the Temple Mount compound.

According to Channel 2, the 500 “guards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque” will each receive a $1,000 stipend from the PA.

Some $15 million will go toward upkeep and repairs on homes in East Jerusalem, and all small business owners in the Old City will receive a grant of $1,000 over the next three months.

The funds will also pay for university studies, pay off municipal debts, help private businesses and subsidize electricity for residents of the Old City, the report said.

The TV report came after two weeks of sharp tensions with Israel amid Palestinian protests over security measures at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary).

Israel installed new security measures at the compound after a fatal terror attack on July 14, in which three Arab Israeli gunmen killed two Israeli police officers with weapons they smuggled on to the site. Last week, amid fierce pressure from the Palestinians, Israel removed the metal detectors and cameras around the holy site.


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