
October 29 – Israel Is – Moscow, ID

Trinity Baptist Church was full this past Sunday morning. They had about double what the Church usually runs. They did a great job promoting the “Israel Is”, Sunday. The pastor was amazed and encouraged by the turnout. The response was strong. The people were very engaged. They are very interested in what’s happening in Israel, regarding Israel, and how the Jewish people are taking the current situation. I had a wonderful opportunity to appeal to people to give – encouraged them to simply go to and see how easy it is to donate. People loved it. Many people signed the Israel Pledge Card. A number of people desired information about attending Summit. Many were impacted by the depth and information of the presentation. So many people didn’t know anything about CUFI. People so appreciated and took lots of CUFI materials and were glad to have them so they could learn more.

I believe we closed out this amazing day. A day that God blessed richly. The timing was amazing. I believe we raised the visibility of CUFI significantly in N. Idaho. I’m excited to see what fruit will come from this. Pastor Dan was one of (2) two pastors that were scholarshiped to the Summit last summer. He is a real CUFI pastor. I wish you could have heard how he challenged his people at the close of the service. He is in with both feet!