October 22 – Pastors’ Meeting – Kodiak, AK
Oceans United Church Pastor Shannon Panthin was a great host for our first Kodiak Pastors Event. Many had never heard of CUFI. We welcomed 15 area pastors and church leaders. A special added treat was meeting the vice chair of Alaska Aerospace, Lindsay Knight. He is a strong supporter of Israel and a leader in his local church as well. Alaska Aerospace operates the Pacific Spaceport complex located on Kodiak Island. It was the location where Israel and the United States successfully completed tests of the advanced Arrow 3 missile defense system. The Times of Israel reported about the partnership: “The weapon system successfully demonstrated hit-to-kill interceptions of ballistic targets in space, according to the ministry, which added that the operation was conducted in Alaska in order to test capabilities that cannot be tested in Israel. The rocket system succeeded in simultaneously intercepting multiple targets.” The Arrow 3 will allow Israel to intercept long-range ballistic missile targets outside the atmosphere, and provides more capability in shooting down Iranian nuclear missiles. Lindsay has offered to take us on a personally guided tour of the launch complex at our earliest convenience.