
November 11th South San Francisco, CA Pastor’s Lunch

It’s always a great CUFI Spanish Pastors and Leaders Luncheon when approximately 70 Pastors, Leaders, and congregants from different denominations, churches, and neighboring cities gather in a region to receive our Pro-Israel vision, mission, and biblical mandate. Such was the case on Saturday, November 11, 2017, in South San Francisco when we had our first-ever Spanish Pastors and Leaders Luncheon in this area. This historic event occurred as part of our nationwide collaborate efforts with Pastor Efrain Pineda who leads Congreso R.E.D., which is a Pastors and Leaders Ministerial Network focused on Restoring, Equipping, and Developing Hispanic ministers throughout our nation. The co-Host Pastor for this luncheon was Pastor Joel Roman of Casa de Oracion, who hosted this event in his ministry facilities. The results of this epic event included the addition of new CUFI members, new intercessors for our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and more offerings given to the work of CUFI On Campus. Additionally, conversations continued with the local leadership about a possible future CUFI Pastors and Leaders Forum. Therefore, this was definitely yet another great event for our National Hispanic Outreach work!