
November 11 – Portland, OR

On Saturday, November 9th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever Why Israel Spanish event in Portland, Oregon. This event was held at the Assemblies of God Northwest Hispanic District led by District Men’s Director Pastor Louis Vergara and his District Superintendent Rev. Hilario Garza who went on our Latino Pastors Israel Tour earlier this year. As a result of the great impact our Israel Tour had on his life, Rev. Garza co-hosted this event together with Pastor Vergara during their annual Men’s Convention. As a result, approximately 300 men attended our event and many of them responded very well to our CUFI vision, mission, and biblical mandate to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. Additionally, Pastor Vergara, who also pastors two congregations in Oregon, requested to host a future event with both of his congregations, and he accepted our invitation for him to go on our 2020 Latino Pastors Israel Tour set for January 21st through the 30th. Thus, this event was very impactful and will lead to an even greater Pro-Israel impact in the state of Oregon in coming months!