
May 5 – Why Israel – Waterville, ME

Pastor Mike Alix invited me to lead his Wednesday night Bible study to deliver the Why Israel? message. Even though the weather was poor, we were encouraged by the size of the crowd we gathered. He informed me that it was one of the larger groups he has gotten. His midweek study had taken a big dip in attendance due to the Covid pandemic but it was clear that they wanted to hear about Israel.

I was very encouraged by the crowd’s liveliness during the presentation. They were engaged for the whole thing and even audibly answered when asked rhetorical questions. After the presentation they asked if I could stay for another half hour to discuss my recent trip to Israel with CUFI. I was happy to heap praise about my recent CUFI Pastors trip for as long as they would let me because their Pastor Mike is someone I have been recruiting to apply for the trip. Overall, the event was well worth it there is no doubt in my mind that for nearly all of them, this information was new and impactful. I have zero doubt that Christian support for Israel grew in Blessed Hope Church Wednesday night.