
May 14th Tampa, FL Spanish Why Israel

On the 71st anniversary of the modern State of Israel, Tuesday, May 14th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a “Why Israel” Spanish-speaking event in Tampa, Florida. This event which was coordinated by our Tampa Hispanic Outreach City Director Pastor Jesus Fernandez, who was one of the Pastors that went on this year’s recent Latino-Hispanic Outreach Pastors Israel Tour, was hosted by Pastors Gerardo and Clara Abdala of Iglesia De Dios El Shaddai. As a result of the congregation receiving our CUFI presentation and biblical mandate to stand with Israel, many of the congregants became CUFI members, joined our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and gave offerings towards our CUFI On Campus efforts. It was a great event amongst a series of other events in the Tampa area that are collectively building momentum for the Bilingual Night To Honor Israel we will have in Tampa at another church on Sunday, July 28th. We look forward to greater things to come in our National Hispanic Outreach in the Tampa region!