
Mar. 15th Añasco, Puerto Rico Spanish Pastor’s Meeting Dinner

On Friday, March 15th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus together with his wife Rev. Mildred De Jesus and San Antonio, Texas Cornerstone Iglesia’s Pastor Daniel Gonzalez conducted CUFI’s first-ever Spanish-speaking event in the U.S. Territory of Puerto Rico. This epic Pastors Meeting Dinner was hosted by Pastors Rey and Mildred Matos of Ministerio Cristiano Catacumbas #5 on the west end of Puerto Rico. At least 80 Pastors and Ministers from all over Puerto Rico and different parts of the U.S. attended this historic event. As a result of Pastor Rey Matos, Pastor Daniel Gonzalez, Rev. Mildred De Jesus and Rev. Peter De Jesus sharing with the audience about CUFI, our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and our biblical mandate to stand with Israel and influence our government officials to do the same, many of the Pastors and Ministers became CUFI members, joined our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and gave offerings to our CUFI On Campus efforts. Additionally, the host pastors and other attending pastors requested to have Why Israel events in their local churches later this year. Lastly, the host pastors who recently attended our CUFI Leadership Summit in San Antonio, Texas, committed to also attending this year’s Washington DC Summit and providing scholarships to at least 2 of their full-time college students so they could attend the CUFI On Campus track of our DC Summit. All in all, this significant seed event proved to be very effective as it produced an immediate harvest of Pro-Israel support that will certainly multiply in the months ahead!