June 5 – Why Israel – Harrisburg, PA
I was so touched to see an Israel flag prominently displayed in the foyer as I entered the Bhutanese Nepali Evangelical Church of Harrisburg, PA and thanked the team in the sound booth for all the work they must have done in having it place so high in the air! They laughed and said it had been there for the 3 years they had been holding services in the church. I was encouraged and even more so when I stepped into the sanctuary that was packed to the walls for our the first CUFI Why Israel presentation at their church. The pastor along with two college students are planning on attending the July CUFI Summit and a new relationship has just been formed with a very pro-Israel church. There are over 50 Bhutanese Nepali fellowships in Pennsylvania and we are now planning on reaching out to, and into every one of them – for Zion’s sake!