
June 21 Janesville, WI Bilingual Pastor’s Luncheon

Our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach conducted a very impactful Bilingual Pastors & Leaders Luncheon on Thursday, June 21st in Janesville, Wisconsin. This event was hosted by the Assemblies of God Midwest Latin American District led by Superintendent Rev. Clemente Maldonado, Assistant Superintendent Rev. Efraim Espinoza, and Secretary-Treasurer Rev. Todd Clair, who is one of our 2018 Hispanic Pastors Israel Trip Alumni. Since this event occurred at the Annual District Council of this district, over 70 Pastors and Leaders from all over the Midwest U.S. Region were in attendance including the Assemblies of God General Superintendent Dr. Doug Clay, who was one of the keynote speakers for this particular District Council. Our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus, who also is becoming an Assemblies of God minister, shared a CUFI bilingual presentation to which many of the Pastors and Leaders responded very positively with even some of them requesting to host a CUFI event in their local churches later this year. All in all, the impact of this event was far greater than expected!