
June 1st Somerton, AZ Spanish Pastors Meeting

On Saturday, June 1st our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus and his wife Rev. Mildred De Jesus, our Daughter’s For Zion (DFZ) Prayer Network Hispanic Outreach Director, conducted our first-ever Spanish Pastors Meeting Dinner event in Somerton, Arizona. This epic event was hosted by our Somerton-Yuma Hispanic Outreach City Directors Pastors Marcos and Queta Flores of Iglesia Monte Sinai. It was encouraging to see the majority of the Pastors in attendance become CUFI members, DFZ Prayer Network Intercessors, and financial donors to our CUFI On Campus efforts. We even had one of the Pastors present from another church in a neighboring city request to host a CUFI event in their local church later this year. Last, but certainly not least, it was very encouraging to be informed by Pastors Flores and at least five other leaders that they will be attending our Washington D.C. Summit next month. Thus, this first-time Spanish Pastors Meeting Dinner greatly impacted these Pastors who are now getting deeply involved with our Pro-Israel work!