
June 13th Rogers, AR Spanish Pastors Luncheon

On Thursday, June 13th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a Spanish Pastors Meeting Luncheon event in Rogers, Arkansas. This event was hosted by one of our very own CUFI members, Pastor Amos Garza who is the Superintendent of the Assemblies of God South Central District which consists of approximately 125 churches in North Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. What made this event very unique was that it occurred during the District’s annual School of Pastors designed to educate, equip, and empower their Pastors to be more effective in Evangelical Ministry. And while that is of utmost importance, it was also great to see Superintendent Pastor Amos Garza encourage his District’s Pastors to also be educated, equipped, and empowered to be more effective in standing in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people. As a result, approximately 115 Pastors and Ministers from all over this tristate region attended this first-time ever Hispanic Outreach event in Rogers, Arkansas, and many of them joined their Superintendent in becoming CUFI members, joining our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and giving offerings to our CUFI On Campus work. Thus, this was a wonderful and impactful Pro-Israel event on multiple levels!