
July 15th La Puente, CA Why Israel- Pastors Meeting

On Monday, July 15th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus and his wife, Rev. Mildred De Jesus, who is the CUFI Daughters For Zion Prayer Network Hispanic Outreach Director, conducted a Why Israel – Pastors Meeting in La Puente, California. This unique event was co-hosted by Superintendent Dr. Sergio Navarrete and his English Ministry Assistant Superintendent Pastor Manny Rodriguez, who was a participant on our Latino Pastors Israel Tour earlier this year. As a result of our Israel Tour, Pastor Rodriguez set up this particular CUFI event during their annual SPD Prayer Conference so that their district, consisting of over 350 churches, could commit to pray even more for the peace of Jerusalem, the well-being of the State of Israel, and also add action to their faith in advocating for the Jewish people in Israel, the U.S., and around the world. As a result, at least 25 of their Executive Leaders, Presbyters, and Pastors from their district, which covers all of Southern California, attended our CUFI event during their conference. Now we look forward to adding Superintendent Dr. Navarrete to our Latino Pastors Israel Tour in 2020. It is worth noting that in addition to being the Superintendent of his district, Dr. Navarrete is also the Vice-President of the World-wide Hispanic Fraternity of the Assemblies of God. Therefore, we believe this event will be one of many that will help impact the Hispanic community of the Assemblies of God in our nation and beyond in favor of Israel and the Jewish people.