
Israeli counter-drone company to provide system to FBI and US military

D-Fend Solutions, an Israeli counter-drone solution provider, has been selected by the United States’ Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to provide the EnforceAir c-UAS system as the core Radio Frequency system to be integrated into a counter-drone system.EnforceAir c-UAS is an advanced autonomous system that automatically and passively detects, locates and identifies rogue drones as well as mitigates risk by taking control over them and landing them safely at a predefined safe zone, applying a non-jamming & non-kinetic technology which does not require line-of-sight, making it ideal for all complex environments, whether urban or rural.The company has been working for the past two years with the US Assistant Secretary of Defense Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD SO/LIC) Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) to co-develop D-Fend’s EnforceAir advanced C-sUAS (Counter small Unmanned Aerial System) capabilities.

Read More: Jerusalem Post