
IDF bombed 120 terror targets in Gaza Strip over past 24 hours


IDF fighter jets scored direct hits of 10 rocket launchers

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued its daily aerial attacks against terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip amid a constant barrage of rockets fired from the coastal enclave at Israeli communities in southern Israel.

The IDF said on Tuesday that it has bombed 120 targets over the past 24 hours, including 10 rocket launchers.

Many of the strikes were in Gaza City’s affluent Rimal neighborhood, according to IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman.

Fighter jets struck command and control centers located in the homes of three Hamas commanders in the Gaza Strip earlier Tuesday, according to a statement. The three strikes are in addition to hits on the residences of 12 senior Hamas commanders that the IDF says were being used as command and control centers for terrorist activities against Israelis.

The IDF also struck a storage site with equipment and machines for manufacturing Hamas weapons.

The IDF also announced on Tuesday that it has killed at least 160 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists in the Gaza Strip since Operation Guardian of the Walls began last week in response to Gaza-based terrorist groups firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

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