God wants to use you to be part of Israel’s story
At Christians United for Israel, we believe everyone has an important role to play in Israel’s story. Everyone has a sphere of influence they can use to defend Israel with the truth. Your voice has more power than you know.
Pam and Larry Perry are an ordinary couple whom God has used to make a huge difference in their church, their community, and their state. Their story of how their passion for Israel is spreading throughout Florida’s panhandle is inspiring. But it is also an example of how each person has the potential to make Israel stronger and her people safer simply by using their voice.
After going to Israel with CUFI in 2016, Pam and Larry realized that they needed to take the initiative in their community. So they went to their pastor and told him that supporting Israel as a church was very important to them. They asked for his support and began moving forward.
Using their network of friends and acquaintances, the Perrys organized several pro-Israel events in Panama City and invited Christian leaders from across Florida’s panhandle to attend. Hundreds came to hear the story about Israel they’d never heard before, and as a result their lives were changed as they realized the importance of supporting Israel.
What started as a personal passion for Israel in the hearts of just two people has now spread across Florida within only a few months. As our new City Directors for Panama City, Pam and Larry are breaking new ground as they prove someone doesn’t need a pulpit to influence a church, a city, or a state.
Everyone can do something to influence someone with the truth. Like Pam and Larry, you can talk to your pastor. You can volunteer to lead a small group study on Israel using our free Nehemiah Generation materials. You can support the work of CUFI on Campus, or give someone else a membership to CUFI as a gift. There are endless ways to be part of Israel’s story and to join CUFI in making Israel stronger and her people safer. Your voice is powerful. All you have to do is use it.