
February 27 – Why Israel – Egg Harbor, NJ

One of my final events for February was in a small and faithful church in New Jersey that has sent members to the CUFI DC Summit many years in a row. The church kept all of their children and Sunday school teachers in the main service to hear the message and as I was answering questions after the service, I noticed three children patiently waiting in line to talk to me. I finished up with the “grownups” and introduced myself to the first two, a brother and sister. They sweetly asked if they could, “…please have one of my business cards?” 

“Oh oh!” I answered. “I don’t think I have any cards left with me, and actually I pretty much just text my contact information to people these days . . . but let me check!”

As I turned my briefcase upside-down I asked the kids all about their lives and finished by sadly having to inform them that it didn’t look like I had a card to give them.

“Oh – well thank you for looking,” the big sister answered. “We each wanted one to always remember this morning at church.”

“My goodness how encouraging you are to me – let me check one more time!” I gushed.

And of course, tucked deep within one of the pockets of my travel bag I felt a card that these two little lifters of my head were happy to share.

A 9-year old girl was next in line, and humbly displayed two pictures she was inspired to create during the message. I acknowledged her amazing talent and asked for her interpretation of the picture with a hand.

“That is God’s hand letting the world know that He loves Israel,” she explained.

If these children represent the next generation of Christian Israel lovers, we’re going to be just fine!